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Fireworks fired at motorists and cyclists on Abbeydale Rd


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Here you go frank, still seems to be problems in the area, even the police don't know how to deal with it ( not wanting to upset the locals :suspect:), read some of the comments to the article, you will get an idea of true public feeling, do you still think it's OK :roll:




Christian patrols.

Outstanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and hopefully the start of things to come.

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It does sometimes seem that if a group of people get together and commit an offence that the police will sometimes appear to condone that behaviour by appearing to not respond to the committing of the offence.


It also seems that this apparent "we'll appear to ignore this behaviour" policy is more likely to be implemented when the perpetrators are not from a majority group.


This is not just my opinion.


Please excuse the way I have worded this. One has to be careful, as I have pointed out before, it is possible to be prosecuted for saying the truth in the UK. So I am only saying here how somethings may look in the opinion of some people.

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I am writing to highlight issues with antisocial behaviour in the Abbeydale area which have been ongoing since last summer. Unfortunately throughout the summer we saw an escalation of incidents of antisocial behaviour and these continue to the present day. I would seek your help and support as a local resident to tackle the problem. I would also hope to reassure you that any information you pass us will be dealt with in the strictest confidence.


Firstly what is the problem? We have persistent reports of criminal damage being committed by young people, both damage to properties and vehicles. There have been instances of racially aggravated verbal abuse being committed by young Asian males. Last summer there were almost daily reports of young people throwing water bombs at passing cars and more worryingly targeting pedestrians from vehicles with water bombs. Recently this has escalated to the throwing of stones at cars and properties. This is all in addition to the disgraceful scenes we witnessed on bonfire night. Only last Friday a serious incident occurred where two pool balls were thrown through the front window of a house on Woodstock Rd narrowly missing a 3 year old child. Clearly this type of behaviour is totally unacceptable.


Over the past 12 months significant additional resources have been invested in the area by both South Yorkshire Police and key partner agencies. Your local councillors have also worked closely with us to tackle the problem. There are now activities for young people 7 days a week in the area.


The work has resulted in 29 young people being identified to date as being involved. They are aged between 10 and 19 years of age are all from this community. They are not coming into the area from elsewhere as some would suggest. They are your children and young people in your community causing significant alarm, harassment and distress to local people.


Those identified and their parents have been offered help and support to change their behaviour and to understand the consequences. King Ecgbert School have been particularly helpful and done one to one work with these young people. I would encourage parents of young people to take responsibility and ensure that their children are not involved.


We need your help. If you have any information at all about antisocial behaviour or have suffered as a victim then please get in touch. Any contact you have with us will be strictly confidential. You can either ring 101 or crime stoppers anonymously on 0800 555111. We are committed to working with the local community to address this issue.


Ian Stubbs


Police Inspector


I recieved this e-mail earlier this week.

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Here you go frank, still seems to be problems in the area, even the police don't know how to deal with it ( not wanting to upset the locals :suspect:), read some of the comments to the article, you will get an idea of true public feeling, do you still think it's OK :roll:




I have read the article and the comments, including the one that has quoted a full letter from Insp Stubbs. It seems to be a sad state of affairs.

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i dont know if any one can remember the same thing happened in Darnall about 20-25 years ago?, young Asians from about the age of five was sent out by there parents to try and stop traffic going up Staniforth Road they threw stones at any thing that moved on there, cars and buses had there windows smashed.

What stopped all that was the the sytp bus company told them if you dont want us to run a bus on Staniforth road we wont, so they diverted there buses down Attercliffe Road and up Greenland Road, Although that affected every body a spoke person for the Asians went to sypt and assured them it would not happen again, up to know it hasn't in Darnall.

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i dont know if any one can remember the same thing happened in Darnall about 20-25 years ago?, young Asians from about the age of five was sent out by there parents to try and stop traffic going up Staniforth Road they threw stones at any thing that moved on there, cars and buses had there windows smashed.

What stopped all that was the the sytp bus company told them if you dont want us to run a bus on Staniforth road we wont, so they diverted there buses down Attercliffe Road and up Greenland Road, Although that affected every body a spoke person for the Asians went to sypt and assured them it would not happen again, up to know it hasn't in Darnall.


I do remember that covert racism is ugly fella. using 5 year olds to get your point across is really hitting rock bottom even for you.

Edited by mg16
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I don't think anyone remembers it like you purport, maybe because its a load of hyped codswallop a la kidley . covert racism is ugly fella. using 5 year olds to get your point across is really hitting rock bottom even for you.


You can say any thing you like mg16, that is 100% how it was, and a big thing was made about the young asian kids doing the stone throwing, I KNOW I WAS THERE AT THE TIME, i think you have problems you seem to think if i dont whant it to happen IT HASNT. it most certainly did happen like that, and with that age of kids, I know i am correct.

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the problem has always been there, i travel along the length of london/abbeydale road on a weekly basis and i have often got either a stone thrown at me or people just standing in the road so you cant get past.

and before anyone says i would not run them over, they are human beings after all.


I go down there regularly as well, and at lunch times, I've never seen a road block, had anything thrown at me, or noticed anything untowards other than the occasional speeding car.

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