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Fireworks fired at motorists and cyclists on Abbeydale Rd


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I take it that you dont understand English sayings and phrases



regarding your first bit, its the same kind of people ( Asians ) thats doing it in different parts of the city that makes it prominent






Yes I do, thanks. I just wanted you to be open about what you were accusing me of, rather than hiding behind trite "English sayings and phrases" ( and we both know that's what I was doing, don't we? Come on... ;) ). Even though you don't know me. Or live in my neighbourhood, I'll bet. Happy to be corrected on this last bit, though - it would certainly lend some validity to your views!


And you say: its the same kind of people ( Asians ) thats doing it in different parts of the city that makes it prominent - can you provide some evidence of this? The trouble on bonfire night was pretty serious so if it was being repeated all across the city I'm pretty sure we'd all know about it wouldn't we?? I've just done a google search -albeit a brief one - but can't really find much at all, never mind anything at this massive level of disruption, so anything you can come up with to back up your claims would be great. Thanks!

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If you read this forum there are a lot of residents of that area who say the total opposite, and there agenda is they want it sorting, you are only one of one.


no there isn't,generally there are people who don't live here telling us that we live in dodge city and people who do live here saying that we don't and have no desire to move.

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I live near enough to Abveydale Road. I go through there plenty on foot & in the car.


Never felt threatened or even slightly uncomfortable. Its a decent area.


The real issue is that the police have bottled dealing with a few naughty kids and those kids gave gotten braver. Really poor policing is the issue there.


That said the problems are blown out if all proportion by the usual posters who have a clear agenda.


Many problems are blown out of proportion that's how it rolls nowadays it seems, but at least you have acknowledged the issue, as for posters having agendas, there are not many posters who don't have an agenda on here :roll:

As for poor policing, it's that issue that annoys people, the one of turning a blind eye when it involves people in the ethnic communities ...... could be part of the reason you get a lot of people now all too happy to vote for UKIP :D

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I take it that you dont understand English sayings and phrases



regarding your first bit, its the same kind of people ( Asians ) thats doing it in different parts of the city that makes it prominent


what do you think 'asians' are doing all over sheffield (except for living here which you clearly can't handle) is it any of the following:

1. vandalism.

2. burglary.

3. involvement in the drugs market.

4. drunken intimidation/violence/driving

5. street robbery/mugging


these are the things that make life in a community unbearable, and they are all offences which are under represented in the south asian community, primarily because they don't drink & abuse drugs to a much lower extent than the white community.


about 10 years ago, some scrote nicked my car keys from the kitchen and had my car away - he was caught, he was white, unemployed, had drug problems and lived on the Wybourn estate.

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what do you think 'asians' are doing all over sheffield (except for living here which you clearly can't handle) is it any of the following:

1. vandalism.

2. burglary.

3. involvement in the drugs market.

4. drunken intimidation/violence/driving

5. street robbery/mugging


these are the things that make life in a community unbearable, and they are all offences which are under represented in the south asian community, primarily because they don't drink & abuse drugs to a much lower extent than the white community.


about 10 years ago, some scrote nicked my car keys from the kitchen and had my car away - he was caught, he was white, unemployed, had drug problems and lived on the Wybourn estate.


Exactly you only have to watch any episode of Jeremy Kyle to see some white scroat whos stolen, done drugs, hit his partner (sometimes even all three).

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There's another thread been started on this topic of the dispersal order on here now, so there is some interest in it by Sheffielders.


ETA: links http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1309777


This is the link posted.



Some of the comments make interesting reading. Particularly the one who says that they've seen their older brothers get away with it over the years and so they copycat the behaviour. Makes sense?


As for the quad bike problem, we were nearly mown down by an idiot on a quad a couple of Sundays ago, we were just crossing over to have a look at the car boot in the Abbeydale Cinema car park and he came hammering round the corner like a bat out of hell.


I live here every day, don't see quad bikes - not an ongoing quad bike nearly mowing you down problem I can assure you. feel free to use our local restaurants and shops, being killed by a quad bike is not a factor you have to consider.


I went mooching on abbeydale rd this aft, one of the great pleasures of living here - bought meat from the excellent cheap halal butchers,got veggies spices etc - espresso in bragazzis, gorgeous but vastly expensive loaf from the forge bakery, some tinnies of tyskie (£1 a pop - beers cheap here) for tonight, a mirror from the barnadoe's 'superstore' next to tesco -played a £2.8k taylor in rich tone music, no fireworks, no quad bikes, no aggression, no theft, just a vibrant, pleasant value for money (except for the Taylor) part of the city that beats the crap out of crookes, totley, norton, fulwood etc etc etc as a place to live and bring up your kids.

Edited by frank ryan
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I have been a target of the group of kids in Nether Edge being discussed here, and have seen them making mischief for a couple of years now. I agree the situation needs to be addressed, but some people in this thread seem intent on trying to stir this up into a bigger deal than it is, and want to make it about whites vs Asians.


It doesn't feel that way to me, and that focus will make the situation worse.


I'd like to thank the police, community leaders, and the people on this thread who have been working to keep things in perspective. Not enough was done at first, but it looks like that's changing.

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I have been a target of the group of kids in Nether Edge being discussed here, and have seen them making mischief for a couple of years now. I agree the situation needs to be addressed, but some people in this thread seem intent on trying to stir this up into a bigger deal than it is, and want to make it about whites vs Asians.


It doesn't feel that way to me, and that focus will make the situation worse.


I'd like to thank the police, community leaders, and the people on this thread who have been working to keep things in perspective. Not enough was done at first, but it looks like that's changing.


Exactly right. The focus on race is an unhelpful distraction. Its a bunch of scumbags that are causing trouble. The race of these people is irrelevant. Doing something about them is whats needed.

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I live here every day, don't see quad bikes - not an ongoing quad bike nearly mowing you down problem I can assure you. feel free to use our local restaurants and shops, being killed by a quad bike is not a factor you have to consider.


I went mooching on abbeydale rd this aft, one of the great pleasures of living here - bought meat from the excellent cheap halal butchers,got veggies spices etc - espresso in bragazzis, gorgeous but vastly expensive loaf from the forge bakery, some tinnies of tyskie (£1 a pop - beers cheap here) for tonight, a mirror from the barnadoe's 'superstore' next to tesco -played a £2.8k taylor in rich tone music, no fireworks, no quad bikes, no aggression, no theft, just a vibrant, pleasant value for money (except for the Taylor) part of the city that beats the crap out of crookes, totley, norton, fulwood etc etc etc as a place to live and bring up your kids.


Sounds a great place to live. To be honest Bents Green (where I live) is a bit boring.

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