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Fireworks fired at motorists and cyclists on Abbeydale Rd


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It's clear that these policemen where following their training correctly


21 Foot Rule - The 21 foot rule states that the average person with a knife or sword can get to and cut a person in about the same time that the average person can draw and fire a handgun.


In the time it takes the average officer to recognize a threat, draw his sidearm and fire 2 rounds at center mass, an average subject charging at the officer with a knife or other cutting or stabbing weapon can cover a distance of 21 feet.


Does the training say shoot on sight without any attempt to de-escalate or use lesser degrees of force? I suspect not.

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Does the training say shoot on sight without any attempt to de-escalate or use lesser degrees of force? I suspect not.


In the Uk to the best of my knowledge if a firearm officer is armed and attending a scene if that officer feels that their own life, the life of another police officer or any other person is being directly threatened that officer is authorised to use deadly force.


It is also my understanding that shooting to kill is the only response that is authorised if that officer elects to discharge their weapon.


In the Uk they do not do warning shots nor do they shoot with any other intention than that of stopping the threat, to the best of my knowledge.


The understandings which I have expressed do come form talking to someone who at the time was a firearms officer. Though I do forget the correct title.



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when I watch the news and still see ethnic minorities being slaughtered purely because they are not white, I, in turn, end up hating 'white people' ..and can feel some empathy and understanding towards the frustration and pain they must be experiencing.


I guess until all humans are all treated equally this issue won't go away.


Do you end up hating 'brown people' when you see the MASSES of disgusting slaughter and rape of people because of their skin colour, religion, Non religion by the likes of the barbaric backwards ISIS, Boko haram etc are is it all the white mans fault?

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  • 1 year later...

Drove down Abbeydale Road last night and had to be diverted due to the local youths firing fireworks at cars and buses. Just wondering if anyone knows of any arrests were made? I know the police and the local community leaders were due to meet to tackle the issues of these youths but I haven't heard of any outcome?

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