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Fireworks fired at motorists and cyclists on Abbeydale Rd


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The type of behaviour we have seen will not be tolerated and I would like to reassure people that we will take a very robust approach to anyone involved in using fireworks in a dangerous or anti-social way.


Think they said words to the same effect last year and the year before.


Unless they and/or that community gets its act together then one year someone will get killed on there on Bonfire night.

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I hardly think that it was appropriate for Councillor Akther to publicly criticise the police. That will only drive a further wedge between the local community and the police. A public show of unity would perhaps have been a better approach.


She states that: "We were talking to people and being really tough on them ....." Well not tough enough by the sounds of it, lady! Thank goodness that the police did come and sort it out—because clearly you couldn't!


I don't think that the police are perfect and I wasn't present at the height of the trouble. However, what I do know is that they had successfully got the situation under control shortly after 8pm.


So Councillor, please stick to what you're good at, which clearly is not controlling civil disobedience, and let the police sort out the hard stuff.


Rant over!

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It was like that on the Friday night just up past the broadfield. We reported it. The lads doing it look far to tall to be hanging around streets playing dangerous childish games, you would think by that age they would know better.


I wonder how they will feel if they cause a death because someone runs into the road to get away from them or a car loses control and kills a pedestrian.

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Well its good to see 5 people were arrested, that answers one of my questions.


I really don't think banning fireworks is the answer. Its one night of the year and another English tradition which would be ruined due to the behavior of a minority.


4 people "detained".

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I go to the Abbeydale Tesco regularly and have been racially abused and threatened a number of times by groups of Asian youths.


That area has seen a boom of independent business's moving to the area and the local community may fear the area is going through a rapid gentrification.


There was a meeting with local people and police at the mosque last month, did anyone go to it?

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I go to the Abbeydale Tesco regularly and have been racially abused and threatened a number of times by groups of Asian youths.


Who hasnt? Just ignore them or do what we did. Get out of the van and grab a couple of lumps of wood and take a walk over. They soon scarper shouting more hilarious and still acting tough as they go

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