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Fireworks fired at motorists and cyclists on Abbeydale Rd


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Nothing will ever change , they are allowed to get away with it , as if we challenge them we are racist


What a load of cobblers! :rolleyes:


---------- Post added 06-11-2015 at 22:11 ----------


whats happened to the firework law , against the law to let fireworks off in a public place ? this video looks like page hall and eastwood at new years eve .


Page hall was quiet on Bonfire night, how was Eastwood? :hihi:

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You get one warning and one only and after that I will be issuing suspensions.


You can cease with the racism right now.


Further - any more abuse of the moderating team will similarly not be tolerated.


I will remind you all that we do no monitor this forum if you don't report things we won't necessarily see them.


For those that are about to whine about free speech - we are a privately owned forum and you post here at the owners discretion. If you want to post whatever you like you can do it on a site where you bear the legal responsibility and foot the legal bills


Now clean your acts up.

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Just ban them from public sale to be honest. I'm not one for the nanny state, but this seems pretty obvious. There are issues every year with kids throwing them around randomly - even if no-one gets injured it's terrifying for people who might have their kids in the car or something. They're not necessary, ban them.


Bold: It might seem obvious to you, but that doesn't make you right.


I don't like things being banned because of a few morons creating a media panic. This is how many people think though these days.


Stop being nannied by the state! :nono::hihi:


We had a great time setting off our fireworks in our garden whilst having a fire and hot chocolate. Dont try and take my rights away to do this every 5th November thanks.

What needs to happen is the ones causing the problem need to be caught and heavily punished for misusing explosives in public.




Outdoor parties are great in Autumn, with people, food, fires, beer, fireworks that the kids like too, social gathering aspect.


It's just a load of twit/face moral-panic people who call for public sales ban.


I am in full agreement. They should be for sale to licensed firework displays only.

Imagine the burden released on the police, NHS and fire service. All because we want to see some pretty colurs burn brightly.

The only decent displays are the licensed ones anyway.


What a load of trash.

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It's not all bad. The reputation Abbeydale Road has as a mini Beirut / hot spot of anarchy is keeping house prices more affordable :hihi:


On a serious note why not group up, and pop down one night to see who's being naughty? Take some pictures. Stick them online.

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Bold: It might seem obvious to you, but that doesn't make you right.


I don't like things being banned because of a few morons creating a media panic. This is how many people think though these days.


Stop being nannied by the state! :nono::hihi:






Outdoor parties are great in Autumn, with people, food, fires, beer, fireworks that the kids like too, social gathering aspect.


It's just a load of twit/face moral-panic people who call for public sales ban.




What a load of trash.[/quote]


So bonfire night does not have an effect on fire, police and ambulances?

You do know what this topic is about don't you?

Year after year extra fire and ambulance crews are on duty to cover the incidents of fire and injuries and police to cover the public disorder.

Fireworks should be banned for sale to the general public and sold to licensed displays only.

People that want to set cheap fireworks off in their back garden are abut sad really.

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People that want to set cheap fireworks off in their back garden are abut sad really.


Ill tell my kids that and ill tell the disabled lad two doors down who has absolutely no chance of being able to make it to an organised display. They must be really sad eh as they enjoyed it immensely.


By the way, its 'a bit'. Not 'abut'. Anyone who cant get that right must be abut, oops sorry i mean a bit sad.

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People that want to set cheap fireworks off in their back garden are abut sad really.


What's cheap?


We were precisely the opposite of sad last night, weather cleared up, bonfire in the fire pit, good fireworks, jacket potatoes, beer, bunch of friends over. Great fun.

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