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Educational Fixations

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Hey, it always astounds me with the world's fixation with educational grades, levels and scores.


In what instance is it required for the future of the human race that we score people good or bad enough to progress in what ever walks of life requires them, and why on earth they have even been maintained through decades when they are not really required to show competency in certain fields.


Schools should be ongoing things, that we do through life, not to leave at 16 with all the creativity in the world, to have it bashed out of you and your future gets automatically narrowed through the pressures for grades, paid employment and eventual life success, success is relative, not grades or the ego associated with them.


I say that colleges and universities are places not for the smart or creative, but places of debt, simples.


So, it seems that with every passing chapter of one's life, your possibilities get narrowed and your potential gets squashed.


Grades are not what makes this world go round, it is nature, science and technology.


The greatest minds in history were not driven by grades or money, look at Nikola Tesla, a man with numerous innovations and inventions who not only had his inventive ideas stolen, but he devised a world where energy should be free, a real human being.


So, grades, levels, scores, putting people in boxes, ranking people by degrees is all nonsense, it has been for centuries.

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The greatest minds in history were not driven by grades or money, look at Nikola Tesla, a man with numerous innovations and inventions who not only had his inventive ideas stolen, but he devised a world where energy should be free, a real human being.


So, grades, levels, scores, putting people in boxes, ranking people by degrees is all nonsense, it has been for centuries.


Ironic isn't it that in 1884, when Tesla was mucking about inventing the Alternating Current, one of the waste by-products from the experiments was the 3-phase, linear induction GCSE?

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Ironic isn't it that in 1884, when Tesla was mucking about inventing the Alternating Current, one of the waste by-products from the experiments was the 3-phase, linear induction GCSE?


Absolutely, I also confound the logic behind giving homework to children.


Are they saying that a child who has given up all their time to be at school for 5 days a week, for up to 2 decades in some countries, that they have to do a second daily shift at home to finish that day's work, how messed up is that.


Does anyone take their work home after they have done a shift, I think most would never do that and would hate it.

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Absolutely, I also confound the logic behind giving homework to children.


Are they saying that a child who has given up all their time to be at school for 5 days a week, for up to 2 decades in some countries, that they have to do a second daily shift at home to finish that day's work, how messed up is that.


Does anyone take their work home after they have done a shift, I think most would never do that and would hate it.


Er, yeah........

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I think we could learn a lot from the Finnish system. Kids there don't even start school until they're 7, they don't have endless testing and they have a very high educational level in the population overall. Having said that they don't have our social problems, plus Finnish is written phonetically and therefore easier for kids to lurn to spel rite.

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I think we could learn a lot from the Finnish system. Kids there don't even start school until they're 7, they don't have endless testing and they have a very high educational level in the population overall. Having said that they don't have our social problems, plus Finnish is written phonetically and therefore easier for kids to lurn to spel rite.


Putting kids in to school later on in life will no doubt produce better human beings, from 5 years of age till 15 or 20, you are in school, no doubt kids play up and have attention and educational need problems.

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