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Npowers new terms and condition..

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I have a complaint with npower. They sent thru their new terms and conditions..50 pages of them. The first couple of pages state that they now wish to credit check not just the bill holder but those who have a connection to the usage. This I take to mean other members of the household of legal age as...they go on to explain the bill payer must ask permission from individuals connected for a credit check to be done on them as it would leave a footprint on the credit account. . However there is nothing within the terms and conditions to say what would happen if this request was refused...would this lead to be put on a higher tarriff..what would be the penalty...and if there is one, is it legal for them to apply it. So far I have had no answers from npower on this matter although they have read through the document themselves. Anyone have any idea on rights in this matter..

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Just don't get them details of anyone else in the property. If by some means they discover there are other people living there and they get arsey with you then tell them you rule the house with an iron fist and all usage requests must go through you. Then leave to a different supplier.



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I spoke with npower. A pert female told me that she was sorry I did not like the alteration to their terms and conditions but they were rolling them out nationwide..I then pointed out that there was an unexplained hole in these policies and procedures namely if anyone of a household bar the bill payer refused them access to their credit acount did it mean a penalty of a higher tariff...she went thru the information and had to say she did not know. Neither did she know whether any late payment would impact on the credit scores of other household members. She stated she would get back to me on this. I am switching to another provider after my questions have been answered..they have had almost three weeks to provide one. I just detest the orwellian stance this company appears to be following! Thanks for your comments everyone.

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