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What tricks did you play as kids

Peer Gynt

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What tricks did you play as kids?


I'll start with this one:- we used to 'Monkey Fart' where you would breath quickly on someone's window and then run your forehead down the window where it was misted up, that's when it would make a sound like we'd imagine a monkey's fart would be.

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What tricks did you play as kids?


I'll start with this one:- we used to 'Monkey Fart' where you would breath quickly on someone's window and then run your forehead down the window where it was misted up, that's when it would make a sound like we'd imagine a monkey's fart would be.


Knock down ginger, knocking on doors & legging it; in the 70's as our parents got phones we would pick a number out and ask for Mr Walls, they would say in end there are no walls in this house, to which we said "what's holding the house up then"

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What tricks did you play as kids?


I'll start with this one:- we used to 'Monkey Fart' where you would breath quickly on someone's window and then run your forehead down the window where it was misted up, that's when it would make a sound like we'd imagine a monkey's fart would be.


Two of us used to hold an " imaginary " piece of string across the road and ask people to step over it rather than trip over it . They used to raise their foot to to all heights to avoid what wasn't there .

Another was to tie a piece of string from the dustbin lid to the door handle , knock on the door and hide . On one occasion , the resident came round from the front door , fell over the string - F,d and blinded , so we legged it .

On my return home he jumped out at me and frightened the living daylights out of me . Seeing who I was, from next door ,he was most apologetic .

Hearing someone else coming he pulled me round the corner and we jumped out on that poor unsuspecting bugger.

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Me and my old mate Jed would go up blackbrook road just beyond where the street lamps stopped and wait for cars,we would then lie on the grass verge in strange positions as though we were victims of a hit and run,when the cars slammed on to stop and help we would jump up and run like hell, we didn't half get cursed at!! It's hard to run when your giggling too!!!

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As kids we played a lot in the old house yards near the Hillfoot Working Mens Club all our little tricks were played in the dark winter nights.One of our favourites was the bull roar,we stuffed newspaper up the cast iron drainpipes and lit it,with the updraught it made a loud roaring sound frightening the life out of house residents to our great amusement!.Then there was the window tapper,a piece of cotton on a reel was pinned to the window frame with a small steel nut attached the cotton played out across the yard to where we hiding behind the wall.We then tugged it until the nut ratatatted on the window,we always picked on the most bad tempered old swine in the yard!.After he had been to the door a few times the air was blue as we drove him up the wall slowly but surely,one of the best tricks involved putting drawing pins daubed in dog crap on the thumb latches of the outside loos!.When the victims pressed the latch the reaction was to put the pricked thumb in their mouth(gross or what)we were definitely horrid little buggers but it was great fun just the same!.

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As kids we played a lot in the old house yards near the Hillfoot Working Mens Club all our little tricks were played in the dark winter nights.One of our favourites was the bull roar,we stuffed newspaper up the cast iron drainpipes and lit it,with the updraught it made a loud roaring sound frightening the life out of house residents to our great amusement!.Then there was the window tapper,a piece of cotton on a reel was pinned to the window frame with a small steel nut attached the cotton played out across the yard to where we hiding behind the wall.We then tugged it until the nut ratatatted on the window,we always picked on the most bad tempered old swine in the yard!.After he had been to the door a few times the air was blue as we drove him up the wall slowly but surely,one of the best tricks involved putting drawing pins daubed in dog crap on the thumb latches of the outside loos!.When the victims pressed the latch the reaction was to put the pricked thumb in their mouth(gross or what)we were definitely horrid little buggers but it was great fun just the same!.

Old Tup- You little devil !

I didn't like putting some of those on the thread because they were so naughty. But wern't they great fun ?

Asa rider . When we ratatatted on the window and they came out , we ran round to the front and hammered on the door . and , back again - until they threatn'd to wring our bloody necks , then we legged it .

You can't do the " Bull roar " now with the plastic down pipes , sadly.

We also put a pin on the old sneck daubed with dog **** . Knocked on the door and legged it .


---------- Post added 09-11-2013 at 15:57 ----------


..................boring as I am, none!!!!


Did you put this on the thread waiting for someone to say -

" A scouser - I don't believe you ".

Well , there you are . :hihi:.

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Never played any tricks as a kid because I was perfect in every way,(well other than stealing dads the stock pile of swan match's and seting fire to anything that would burn Oh and stealing the flowers off the graves and selling them out front think i sold the same big bunch of chris's 3 time's ,going to that old grave yard near dog track Penistone rd light a little fire on the graves and wait for the spirits to float at midnight, and then, wait a mo this list is getting longer just maybe I wasn't perfect .NAW


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