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What Percentage Of your Real Self Reflects on Your Internet Persona?

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How much of the real 'you' is portrayed online? Mainly forums like this. FB doesn't count.


I reckon I'm 5% :)






Good question Ramps, no great one I don't know, what I say on here I would say just as easily to someone's face, I wear my heart on my sleeve. I used to be very argumentative and would argue black was white, my health dictates otherwise now though; I have a great sense of humour.


I speak on here as I find I try no to be too rude, but sometimes people just bring out the sarcasm in me. I don't profess to know everything and accept I am wrong I have apologised, I hate people that think they do know everything but know nothing.


I could not put it in %age, but if you met me I put no hairs & graces on for anybody, we all stand and sit to pee and in my eyes nobody is better than anyone else. I don't come on here to be loved, same as when I worked; I have a family that love me, I come on here to interact and meet people, and have met some great people on here even some I've known yonks.


I have also come across people that seem rude but when you get to know them, say by PM if you have a problem. I could never send anyone a nasty PM or "offer them out", I couldn't knock skin off a rice pudding.


I have certain standards okay I swear, but I have manners and morals I hate with a passion kiddie fiddlers, or killers so that is not put on by me on here.


I guess we all "guild" the Lilly on here but I've nothing to hide, or be ashamed of in my life. What I do find strange on here is how people post, some post as if very young (not a criticism) & it's a shock when you find out they are like 70, and some post like 70 & are young.

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In real life I'm nothing like my SF persona.


Good job too, otherwise I'd be constantly getting smacked in the chops! :D


I like how you laugh at end Vague Boy, but in reality if you did meet some on here & they wanted to lamp you, that really is a sad indictment. I frequent the footy & it gets heated on there, we had a meet a few months ago not many but enough, what a brilliant night.


There are members on here I'd love to meet.

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I think it's down to the kinds of people we interact with on here. Most of the personalities on here are totally different from any of the people I encounter in real life, therefore I don't see the way I am on here as real life.


I get what I mean, even if you don't :)

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