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Has anyone ever seen Dinosaur bones from sheffield

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Are you saying you want to know what technology the dinosaurs had?


Definitely not aqualungs.


During this time global sea levels were very high. Most of North-West Europe and England were under deep water (the Chalk Sea) so there was no land for T-Rex, or other dinosaurs to live on




During the Cretaceous (142-65 million years ago) much of what is now southern Britain was covered, to varying degrees, by a shallow sea leading to the deposition of marine, coastal and sometimes terrestrial sediments




Might explain the relative lack of dinosaur bones in Sheffield (definitely on the edge of southern Britain).


As for Yorkshire:


By about 280 million years ago the base rocks of the Yorkshire Dales landscape had been laid in place. These rocks were created under seas and buried by deposits which themselves formed rocks. Since that time the whole of the area has been lifted above sea level and the over lying rocks worn away by natural processes


Or if you're a god botherer, the dinosaur bones were put there by a prankster god to "test our faith".


Maybe he thought Yorkshire folk wouldn't see the funny side of his little japes?

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Nice to see the locals spreading the love this morning :rolleyes:


Is there any wonder this place is getting a bad reputation when a body cannot ask a simple question without the digs and jibes starting..





Spread the love!


It's not a simple question if no one can understand what the hell it's on about.



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I remember as a child growing up in Walkley, Radio Sheffield and calendar telling us that a dinosaur bone had been unearthed while foundations were being dug for a couple of new houses on Compton Street. I remember work stopped and we all went to look, but there wasnt much to see. This was early 70's.


The houses are still there

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