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The dangers of online dating: has this happened to you?

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Hi there,


An anti-stalking charity named Paladin have recently called for online dating sites to start regulating their users, after many women who had gone on dates with men they met online had then found they had a history of domestic violence and abuse.


I'm putting together a report on the dangers of online dating and would find it really useful to speak to someone who has met up with a person they found through online dating- were they everything they said they would be? Were they a different person to whom you expected? Did they have a history you didn't know about? If you are interested in telling your story please comment and I will get back to you!


Many thanks,



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I used online dating services a long time ago, and went on a few dates with people but never really got past the 1 or 2 dates stage. I have got a friend who has just married someone they met online dating and another friend getting married next year to the girl he met online.


My main reason for responding to this though is to say that whether you meet someone on line or in a club or out in general they could be violent etc so meeting them online doesn't mask someones history really

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I used online dating services a long time ago, and went on a few dates with people but never really got past the 1 or 2 dates stage. I have got a friend who has just married someone they met online dating and another friend getting married next year to the girl he met online.


My main reason for responding to this though is to say that whether you meet someone on line or in a club or out in general they could be violent etc so meeting them online doesn't mask someones history really


That is so very true what you write, I've never used online dating but would imagine you can meet the person in a pub, so you cannot judge their mood at time.


Just as a by word I met my wife on a blind date 22, years ago and I've never been happier.

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The internet is just a medium through which people meet. Some people are not nice or lie and as the others said this could just as easily happen in a pub, bar, social event.


People need to use common sense and caution until they get to know a person, but there again a stalker or wife beater is hardly likely to tell you. Asking online dating sites to vet people is not going to happen as people lie.


These sorts of things happened before the internet, so am not sure why it should be blamed?

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