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Money Altering Suggestions

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I am wondering who really bothers with coppers nowadays apart from low rent seaside amusement arcades, meaning 1 + 2 pence pieces.


I think our money should have an upgrade and something that businesses can get behind.


Regarding pennies, we should deal with 5, 10, 20 and 50


Regarding pounds, we should deal with 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50


Businesses can work far more easy and we can deal with money much better in multitudes of 2, 5, 10 etc...


I walk the streets often and see loads of copper coins on the floor, nobody bothers with them.



Price structures and the way things are advertised will be far more logical like saying


£175.55 instead of saying £174.77 which is rather counter intuitive to most minds.




Probably an urban myth, but i'm sure someone once told me that pricing an item at 99p was to ensure cashiers had to open the till so the sale is registered (and the cashier doesn't pocket the quid)and so they have to give the customer a penny change.


True/false? I don't know?

Maybe so, before CCTV was more advanced in store.

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