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If you could just have one wish

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Move on FACEBOOK I was being sarcastic sweetie..


All I'm getting from your above comment is that you think I'm a sweetie so I'm happy to move on.


Now, I like Bypassblade as much as the next person. He's a nice guy. Lovely stuff. But there is a problem in this thread which he started and it runs throughout.


None of you appear to understand the concept of wishing or wanting. What is wrong with you people. Why can't you wish or want something awesome.


Heres an example of how to wish and want properly.


I wish that everything I touched turned to gold.


See, it's easy. Stop wishing for rubbish things!


I think the main problem here is that nobody knows how to set goals and then go after them. We should have a gold writing session so you can see how it's done. That way you might actually get some of the things you want. Really this is too much!

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All I'm getting from your above comment is that you think I'm a sweetie so I'm happy to move on.


Now, I like Bypassblade as much as the next person. He's a nice guy. Lovely stuff. But there is a problem in this thread which he started and it runs throughout.


None of you appear to understand the concept of wishing or wanting. What is wrong with you people. Why can't you wish or want something awesome.


Heres an example of how to wish and want properly.


I wish that everything I touched turned to gold.


See, it's easy. Stop wishing for rubbish things!


I think the main problem here is that nobody knows how to set goals and then go after them. We should have a gold writing session so you can see how it's done. That way you might actually get some of the things you want. Really this is too much!


Food, people! can you see why a rash wish can be a problem


and have you considered the outcome of going for a pee.

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Food, people! can you see why a rash wish can be a problem


and have you considered the outcome of going for a pee.


I of course take the practicalities of your comments on board, yet that is still what I would wish for. Because it would be AWESOME! I can see that you are a glass is half empty kind of guy. I just don't don't think that my wish would ever get old.

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