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If you could just have one wish

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Think about it, we go from childhood, to the teenage years, to adulthood, to old age. Every phase of our lives are interesting. There are things we can only learn when we experience for ourselves, these years of our lives. As we get older, we lose and miss those friends and family we have been closest to.


I wouldn't want to re-live those years again without all those friends and family members being there. Neither would I want to be a teenager in today's world. For that reason I am happy with my lot, to let life take its toll as I enter my next phase of life, or death as some may see it. But never forget, you are just going where all those friends, family and loved ones, have gone before you.

It's life, look forward to the journey that awaits you in the next exciting stage.


We'll all go through it, and we won't be far behind one other.


It's the journey of life which is the important thing, and what you learn along the way.


Poppet2, that is lovely thanks for putting it like that.



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In terms of my wish it'd be a toss up between finding out is there is a afterlife..


Finding out "IF" there's an afterlife. You aren't going to plan for it as if there is? Oh this is so much worse than I thought. What with this comment and poppets below I'm going to have to help you guys out.


It's the journey of life which is the important thing, and what you learn along the way.


You see I don't agree with this poppet because this journey you talk about is based on a finite ending in which nothing happens "after" the "journey" is over. This is exactly why I completely ignore all sentiments such as, you can't take it with you and theres no point being the richest man in the graveyard etc. Again, ill thought out beliefs assuming that nothing we achieve down here during life will hold any physical merit up there after death. Well what if that's WRONG! Are you just going to take pot luck with that? You're going to risk taking pot luck with all eternity? If so you're out of your mind.

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Finding out "IF" there's an afterlife. You aren't going to plan for it as if there is? Oh this is so much worse than I thought. What with this comment and poppets below I'm going to have to help you guys out.




You see I don't agree with this poppet because this journey you talk about is based on a finite ending in which nothing happens "after" the "journey" is over. This is exactly why I completely ignore all sentiments such as, you can't take it with you and theres no point being the richest man in the graveyard etc. Again, ill thought out beliefs assuming that nothing we achieve down here during life will hold any physical merit up there after death. Well what if that's WRONG! Are you just going to take pot luck with that? You're going to risk taking pot luck with all eternity? If so you're out of your mind.


I believe there is a after life, It'd just be nice to know for sure.

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I believe there is a after life, It'd just be nice to know for sure.


What if theres a ridiculously large admin fee to get into heaven. Have you ever considered that the pearly gates might just be a kiosk and barrier similar to that of a border control? What if you have to pay £150k to get into heaven or it's down to Hell you go. Maybe heaven and hell is just the afterlife's version of a class system. Would you travel to any other destination where you planned on staying for a long time with just the shirt on your back and no access to any funds? I suggest that if your plan is just to turn up and hope it's free entry could backfire quite catastrophically.

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What if theres a ridiculously large admin fee to get into heaven. Have you ever considered that the pearly gates might just be a kiosk and barrier similar to that of a border control? What if you have to pay £150k to get into heaven or it's down to Hell you go. Maybe heaven and hell is just the afterlife's version of a class system. Would you travel to any other destination where you planned on staying for a long time with just the shirt on your back and no access to any funds? I suggest that if your plan is just to turn up and hope it's free entry could backfire quite catastrophically.


We both have our opinions I believe anyone who is a good person whether they be Christian,Muslim, Hindu or Atheist, I don't want to debate further as it's not what this thread is about and would be a huge disrespect to Bypass Blade.

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We both have our opinions, I will not debate with you as it's not what this thread is about and would be a huge disrespect to Bypass Blade.


I thought this thread was about if you could have one wish. That's what the title says. Am I missing something?

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No. I'm just scared at any minute this could become a full scale religious debate.


Well fear no more as that is certainly not my intention. I was just intrigued by your comment as it implied you were just going to turn up with empty pockets when your time comes.


Tutankhamun, now that guy had the right idea.

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Finding out "IF" there's an afterlife. You aren't going to plan for it as if there is? Oh this is so much worse than I thought. What with this comment and poppets below I'm going to have to help you guys out.




You see I don't agree with this poppet because this journey you talk about is based on a finite ending in which nothing happens "after" the "journey" is over. This is exactly why I completely ignore all sentiments such as, you can't take it with you and theres no point being the richest man in the graveyard etc. Again, ill thought out beliefs assuming that nothing we achieve down here during life will hold any physical merit up there after death. Well what if that's WRONG! Are you just going to take pot luck with that? You're going to risk taking pot luck with all eternity? If so you're out of your mind.


The Egyptian kings used to bury their gold and riches because they thought they could take it with them. The physical gold, riches and body remained behind. Only their soul/spirit moved on. I think that proves the concept of, 'you can't take it with you', theory, doesn't it?

The only thing that goes with you when you leave this earth, is your character/personality/spirit, call it what you will, and all that you have learnt on this earth.

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