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Mekkin' Do


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When I was 14 I had a boyfriend who lived in Donny. Every Saturday, his grandad used to eat boiled rabbits brains. He'd chop off it's head, skin it and boil the skull in a pan of water. He then let it cool a bit, picked it up and smashed it on the edge of the table. He'd then proceeed to eat the brains with a fork!!


When we were little, it was chopped ham and pork or tongue (yeukkk) sandwiches followed by tinned peaches (or if we were lucky, fruit cocktail) and evaporated milk when we went to my Nan's. But ........ no pudding until you'd eaten a slice of bread and butter first. We weren't allowed to leave anything as "Those poor children in Africa would do anything for those crusts etc etc etc!!"


As for mekkin do, up until I was about 11, everyone thought I was a boy as I got to wear my older brothers hand me downs!! Those awfull brown checked 'rupert' trousers and hand knitted jumpers ... yeukkk!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I'm a vile green concoction of sorts am I? well I least I cure all ill's.


My gran used t' say t' me "goo an av a look in t'attic"

so off I went and there in the middle of the floor was a small galvanised bath with three great slimey eels swimming round and round.

"thems fer supper, doe's tha want sum"? I went out to play instead.


I also remember my Grandad standing in the yard with his overcoat catching pigeons, he'd throw the coat over them pick them up and snap the neck, he tried to get me to do it once, I was good with the coat throwing, but never got the hang of the neck snapping.

anyroad he enjoyed his supper.

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Originally posted by rainbow2411

Sunday dinner aren't the same without "round the horn" "rays a laugh" the "billy cotton band show" and "family favourite" with Jean Metcalfe and I can't remember the man and was "life with the lions" on on Sundays I think so and Jimmy Clitheroe, can't remember the name of the show.

Life with the Lyons..Featuring, Ben Lyon & Bebe Daniels..Son Richard , Daughter Barbara, Molly Weir (as Scots Aunt Aggie) & "Skeeter" the dog...I used to listen to it Every Sunday..Rest of the week my favourite at 6.45pm was Dick Barton with Snowie & Jock..I can also remember a Sunday night Detective programe and the theme music was "The Coronation Scot" it was The Paul Temple Mysteries.. his female assistant was called "Steve"??,

And what about "In town tonight in town tonight" ( violet's luverly violet's)..& "STOP"!!!....I think I will co's I'm getting too carried away now.

Oh yes The Jimmy Clithero show was "The Clithero Kid" with Daft Alfie..& Mr Higginbottom, and Jean Metcalfs partner was Cliff Mitchelmore.

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Originally posted by FetishFairy

When I was 14 I had a boyfriend who lived in Donny. Every Saturday, his grandad used to eat boiled rabbits brains. He'd chop off it's head, skin it and boil the skull in a pan of water. He then let it cool a bit, picked it up and smashed it on the edge of the table. He'd then proceeed to eat the brains with a fork!!


When we were little, it was chopped ham and pork or tongue (yeukkk) sandwiches followed by tinned peaches (or if we were lucky, fruit cocktail) and evaporated milk when we went to my Nan's. But ........ no pudding until you'd eaten a slice of bread and butter first. We weren't allowed to leave anything as "Those poor children in Africa would do anything for those crusts etc etc etc!!"


As for mekkin do, up until I was about 11, everyone thought I was a boy as I got to wear my older brothers hand me downs!! Those awfull brown checked 'rupert' trousers and hand knitted jumpers ... yeukkk!!

Every Wednesday in the School hol's I used to go round to my Grans for rabbit stew and she always gave me the head, I used to split open the scull and eat the brains, she encouraged me to do this and she said it would make me brainy...after I'd eaten the brains I would then proceed to pull out all the teeth and arrange them around the edge of my plate....I must have been a weird Kid.... but it tasted OK.

By the way Does anybody remember "Fussils tinned milk"

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I have a cook book that used to belong to my Mother, and this recipe is in the book, no joking.








Split the scull lengthways and remove the brains carefully; Place them in cold salted water. Chop off the nose and well clean the head all over with salt. Remove the tongue. Tie the head together and place in a saucepan with the tongue. Cover with hot water, add 2 teaspoonfuls of salt, and as the water boils, skim well. Cook for 1 hour. Wash the brains, tie in muslin and cook in the broth for 20 minutes. Cut the vegetables in small pieces, add these to the broth. Simmer for 2 hours , Season, add the parsley and the meat from the head cut into small pieces. The head can be served seperatly with brain sauce. N.B Sheeps trotters can be added to the above recipe if desired. They should be well washed and cooked with the head. The head and trotters can be served seperately coated with white sauce and garnished with pieces of carrot and turnip. This is a genuine recipe from 1927, Enjoy.

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Originally posted by Timbuck

Every Wednesday in the School hol's I used to go round to my Grans for rabbit stew and she always gave me the head, I used to split open the scull and eat the brains, she encouraged me to do this and she said it would make me brainy...after I'd eaten the brains I would then proceed to pull out all the teeth and arrange them around the edge of my plate....I must have been a weird Kid.... but it tasted OK.

By the way Does anybody remember "Fussils tinned milk"


OMG that must have affected your psyche ;) in some way


Yes I can remember Fussells Milk but don't think you can still but it

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Originally posted by brooksy

iremember my old gran used 2 boil pigs trotters and save all the water she had boiled it in 2 make some kind of gross stock stuff i dont no wot she did with it but it smelt terrible

That was probably "Pease Pudding" Made with yellow split peas and bacon / ham water, very popular up here in the North East
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Originally posted by coddy

Carnation milk, ugh. I had almost forgotton. I would only have my tinned fruit without the juice as I couldnt bear the sight or the thought of the carnation milk mixed in and curdled with the juice from the tin. We had small tin of salmon too and that cucumber and onion in vinegar. Never come across it anywhere else.


Yes, sliced cucumber and onion, we always had that. I used to go for it big time and eat the curdled goo with my tinned fruit. I used to like dipping my bread and butter in it. Can anyone remember the standard vase full of celery on the table at Sunday tea-time?


You picked youself a piece out and dipped it in salt before biting a piece off.

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My Mum also used to save the water when she boiled cabbage and encourage us to drink it, She said it would stop us getting spots...it didn't...She also had a press device in the kitchen and she used this to make Ox Tongue by pressing the boiled tongue into a basin and then waited till it cooled, the resulting compressed meat and jelly tasted fabulous.

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