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Mekkin' Do


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When the milk went sour, Mum would put it into a muslin flour bag and hang it up over the stone kitchen sink and make her own type of cheese.. An elderly Lady told me that you can't do this nowdays, as the milk is different to what it was then.

(Something to do with processing)


Also She used to skim the cream off the top of the milk and put it into a jar which was shaken with vigour to make a small blob of butter, this was always welcome.

The remaining buttermilk was used for baking.

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My Grandmother lived at Crosshill in Ecclesfield and her son (my uncle harry) used to grow his own tobacco at the rear of the house, also at the rear of the house was a field full of dandilions...One day while visiting my grandmother She gave me a large whicker basket and asked me to gather a baskefull of dandilion flower heads..at the time I thought she'd gone crackers, but I did as she asked...about a month or so later when I visited her again "on my weekly visits "she called me into the kitchen and produced a bottle of some sort of liquid, she poured some into a glass and offered me a drink, it tasted great...she told me it was made from the dandilion heads i'd collected that day"dandilion wine".

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Oh yes the vase of celery and the cake stand, a three tiered arrangement of various buns and tarts waiting for us, mostly home-made.


You know one thing that always baffled me was hearing of relatives/friends that had long since left us who had died of 'consumption'. I always thought it meant they'd eaten or drunk too much!

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Originally posted by Sam Miguel

If I was especially good, I was given the piece of string to suck which had held the joint together.


It was such a privelidge.


And not a single rat in your back garden had a tail I bet.:rolleyes:

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i normally have bits of this and that in my freezer,every so often i make a bittza:D ,allways tastes good,also i do,buble n squeak with any meat thats left over:D ,can anyone remenber ECHO, margarine?it was yellow and tasted disgusting:shakes:

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Originally posted by Sam Miguel

If I was especially good, I was given the piece of string to suck which had held the joint together.


It was such a privelidge.


You mean you got a whole bit of string to yourself?

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