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Mekkin' Do


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Mekkin do,like cutting old tyers up to repair shoes or clogs.

Blackberry picking on Long Lane.

Collecting spud peelings to tek to farm to feed 'pigs and get spice for it.

stealing bottles from behind the working mens club and taking them back until they got wise and took the labels off.

making mint sauce on a sunday or collecting horse raddish which grew wild and making sauce with that.

Baking bread in the yorkshire range oven and the most wonderful custard from proper eggs.

Chicken at Christmas from a few we kept,nectar.

Porridge in the morning and nothing else until 5 pm.

Parkin,I can smell it now.

A square meal was an OXO cube.

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My husband left school during the war and went to work in a Butcher's shop. They used to have about 2 sheeps head per week and one of his jobs was trimming them. A woman used to buy one every week and he used to trim it for her. Before he split open the head he says he used to remove the eyes with a boning knife, but one week she said 'why don't you leave the eyes in they will see me through the week'. He doesn 't know what she used to do with it. He also remembers the sheeps lites, which were the lungs and liver together which were called 'the pluck'.


Thanks for all these lovely and unlovely memories, it's made my day.

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Mum and gran used to eat udder (cows) which used to make me gip when it was cooking, the smell was dreadful. Also pigs trotters which were basically a plate of yukky jelly full of little foot bones.



Nothing wrong with a pigs trotter, boiled they produce a wonderful stock to use in Pease Pudding or a good broth. Also roast them in herby bread crumbs which is also very tatsty.


Largely due to Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall I have rediscovered a number of great meals that I grew up with, tripe, lamb stew made with the neck and breast , ox tail and best of all tongue. I bought an old tongue press at auction a couple of years ago and now do my own. All of this food costs next to nothing and my butcher is pleased to find someone who will enjoy it.

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Talking of Fussell's condensed milk: they and Nestle's were having a right ding-dong on TV adverts as to which was better; we went on a tour of the factory, where a big vat of condensed milk was being put into tins, and the tins rolled down and picked up a Nestle's label; then a whistle blew, everything stopped, and the Nestle's labels were picked up and replaced with Fussell's; still the same stuff from the same vat!

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We had a tiled fireplace in our house and a couple of the tiles would now and again fall off. What did my dad use to stick them back on???? Fussils or Nestle's condensed milk, whichever we had in.

Did a grand job as well.:hihi:

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