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Mekkin' Do


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I felt really good till I read this thread and now its made me feel old remembering all the great radio programmes after having to watch all the latest rubbish weve been served up on xmas tv.You can still buy most of the food on here in the markets but reading this I suppose some of you are a bit sqeamish after being brought up on convenience foods,go give it a try,for those who have eaten it,its not done you any harm as it!Monkey runs,ah yes,ours was from Hillsbro park to the S bend at rivelin and back oooooo,dont remind me.

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No one has mentioned Pob's, an OXO and plenty of bloody bread to break up and put in the little basin, or you'de get bread and jam, life is so much easier & better today.
heup skippy,you must have been well of having OXO we had to nick next doors milk for pobs,its a good job I had a paper round to get a good supply,oh perhaps thats why you had OXO then!!!
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Yes I do now you mention it and do you remember that horrible Carnation milk we used to have on it because we couldn't afford real cream?
I used to love CARNATION milk,when I was a bit flush ide go to the corner shop on Eskdale rd,buy a tin and ask him to put a couple of holes in the top and walk down hillsbro suppin it.My mates thought I was mad,but they are old bald and fat now,ah guess whose not!!!!
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I used to love CARNATION milk,when I was a bit flush ide go to the corner shop on Eskdale rd,buy a tin and ask him to put a couple of holes in the top and walk down hillsbro suppin it.My mates thought I was mad,but they are old bald and fat now,ah guess whose not!!!!


hiya i loved condenced milk i didn't know why until i was told years later my mum would let it down with boiled water when i was a baby, she would eat all sorts of things like heart,tripe, chicklings and bag,udder,also blue stalks a sort of mushroom, my dad wouldn't eat some of them, he would have a dish named chonchanen excuse spelling i think it was from his irish side if the family.

my maternal grandmother was a seamstress before she married, and the number of cotton reels she had she never threw any away if it had the smallest ammount still on them then there were buttons of all shapes and sizes she had two ostermilk tins full of them, zips,hook and eye, the lot.

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