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Junk Food Addictions

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My OH used to live in the states. She says that the American obsession with overeating and junk food isn't as bad as the TV makes it out to be.


My current bugbear is the increase in commercials for cereals with chocolate in them.


Depends where in the states you are. The big East coast cities seemed to me to have a lot of eateries where more normal (for Europeans) portions were served. In New York finding a diner is sctually quite tricky now. Same in Toronto when I went there. Florida was a different thing altogether though, buffet restaurants everywhere.

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My current bugbear is the increase in commercials for cereals with chocolate in them.


Yes! Are those adverts aimed at the kids or the adults :huh:


When I were a lad (said with a twinkle in me eye ;) ) we had a choice of toast, cornflakes or weetabix. Occasionally we'd have rice crispies and shredded wheat.


And that was it!

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Yes! Are those adverts aimed at the kids or the adults :huh:


When I were a lad (said with a twinkle in me eye ;) ) we had a choice of toast, cornflakes or weetabix. Occasionally we'd have rice crispies and shredded wheat.


And that was it!


You lucky, lucky bar steward. When I were a lad we had a choice between a good thrashing and a broken glass sandwich, without the bread. And we counted ourselves lucky.



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