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Marine found guilty of murder

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Rubbish, most terror attacks have nothing at all the do with Western policy.

An extreme belief that the Qur'an is the word of God and the belief that they will be rewarded by God, is all they need to become terrorists.


The two who killed soldier Rigby said it plain and clear on camera that they did it in response to Muslims getting killed in Muslim countries by our forces or are you going to deny that as well?

It's you and your ilk that spout rubbish. :rolleyes:

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The two who killed soldier Rigby said it plain and clear on camera that they did it in response to Muslims getting killed in Muslim countries by our forces or are you going to deny that as well?

It's you and your ilk that spout rubbish. :rolleyes:


Yes and without their extreme belief that the Qur'an is the word of God and the belief that they will be rewarded by God, they wouldn't have done it, their belief is to blame, not the actions of the West.


They would have been better off killing Muslims if they are angered by the amount of Muslims being killed, because most of the Muslims that are killed are killed by other Muslims.

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The two who killed soldier Rigby said it plain and clear on camera that they did it in response to Muslims getting killed in Muslim countries by our forces or are you going to deny that as well?

It's you and your ilk that spout rubbish. :rolleyes:


You put that wrong. I will put it right for you....


MAFYA SAYS The two FILTH DIRTY SCUMBAGS who MURDERED soldier Rigby said it plain and clear on camera that they did it in response to Muslims getting killed in Muslim countries by our forces or are you going to deny that as well?

It's you and your ilk that spout rubbish

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You put that wrong. I will put it right for you....


MAFYA SAYS The two FILTH DIRTY SCUMBAGS who MURDERED soldier Rigby said it plain and clear on camera that they did it in response to Muslims getting killed in Muslim countries by our forces or are you going to deny that as well?

It's you and your ilk that spout rubbish


They are cowardly scumbags who murdered someone in cold blood because he was in the forces, hopefully they will get a whole life tariff and just for the record I used this example to make a point to Angos and do not support or condone the terrible crime these cowards committed.

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They are cowardly scumbags who murdered someone in cold blood because he was in the forces, hopefully they will get a whole life tariff and just for the record I used this example to make a point to Angos and do not support or condone the terrible crime these cowards committed.


cowardly scumbags is OK, but dirty filthy scumbag sounds better.

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They are cowardly scumbags who murdered someone in cold blood because he was in the forces, hopefully they will get a whole life tariff and just for the record I used this example to make a point to Angos and do not support or condone the terrible crime these cowards committed.


You are blaming the victim again, they did it because of their belief and not because he was in the army, thousands if not million of Muslims and non Muslims disagree with our troops being in Afghanistan and Iraq, and they don't go round killing people. The reason they don't go round killing people is because they don't hold the belief that God will reward them for killing someone. The two scumbags in question did have that belief, they believed they were doing the work of God.

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You are blaming the victim again, they did it because of their belief and not because he was in the army, thousands if not million of Muslims and non Muslims disagree with our troops being in Afghanistan and Iraq, and they don't go round killing people. The reason they don't go round killing people is because they don't hold the belief that God will reward them for killing someone. The two scumbags in question did have that belief, they believed they were doing the work of God.


I'm of the same religion but I haven't and don't feel the urge/ need that I have to go out and start Jihad against none Muslims.

I also don't agree with the wars and lay the blame at the people who made that decisions, the soldiers are doing a job and following orders.

I have a couple of mates who are in the army, they don't talk about anything that happens in the field but they all agree that war is not the answer to the war on terror.

I know they didn't sign up to kill anyone but it's sometimes part of the job they do.

You keep going on about what the Quran says but do you realise that most Muslims read it in context, ie it was revealed at a time when none Muslims were at war with followers of the new religion Islam.

All you do with your all Muslims are bad posts is make Muslims think **** it they are never going to accept us so why bother trying and some follow through and start turning a bit extreme.

I treat people how they treat me, show respect and get respect back or be an arse and I will be an arse back.

Not all Muslims are extremists the way you and others try to make out, start interacting with Muslims in real life and than maybe you will see this for yourself.

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I'm of the same religion but I haven't and don't feel the urge/ need that I have to go out and start Jihad against none Muslims.

Thats what I just said.


I also don't agree with the wars and lay the blame at the people who made that decisions, the soldiers are doing a job and following orders.

And at the next election you can vote for a party that wouldn't have gone to war.


I have a couple of mates who are in the army, they don't talk about anything that happens in the field but they all agree that war is not the answer to the war on terror.
All two of them agree that war is not the answer, I'm sure their will be a couple of soldier that think differently.




I know they didn't sign up to kill anyone but it's sometimes part of the job they do.
It is the job, its what soldier are trained to do.



You keep going on about what the Quran says but do you realise that most Muslims read it in context, ie it was revealed at a time when none Muslims were at war with followers of the new religion Islam.

Some Muslim still think that war is going on. Maybe it would have been a good idea for God to tell them the war is over. But I suppose the reason God hasn't told them, is because God didn't reveal anything to Mohammad in the first place. You can't claim the Qur'an is the unchanging word of God and then say but it doesn't apply today.



All you do with your all Muslims are bad posts is make Muslims think **** it they are never going to accept us so why bother trying and some follow through and start turning a bit extreme.
I didn't make such a claim, thats just your persecution complex kicking in.



Not all Muslims are extremists the way you and others try to make out, start interacting with Muslims in real life and than maybe you will see this for yourself.


An extremist is someone that holds extreme political or religious views. Living your life according to a book that was written by men over a 1600 years ago and believing it to be the word of God, is a tad extreme in my book.

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I must say, with no persecution to any of the religions, that religion is just a story. A STORY. We cant really expect to believe that when we die, we shall be sitting supping tea with whichever Lord Almighty we may wish to believe in. Its a chuffin piece of writing, drawn up years ago. If we are to believe in these books, and there is a massive world war and everything is destroyed, and just a handful of babies survive along with one book, lets say George Orwells animal farm. Would these babies grow to believe that four legs are good and two legs are bad, kill each other and let the Hippo rule the earth? Far fetched yes, true though definitely.

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I must say, with no persecution to any of the religions, that religion is just a story. A STORY. We cant really expect to believe that when we die, we shall be sitting supping tea with whichever Lord Almighty we may wish to believe in. Its a chuffin piece of writing, drawn up years ago. If we are to believe in these books, and there is a massive world war and everything is destroyed, and just a handful of babies survive along with one book, lets say George Orwells animal farm. Would these babies grow to believe that four legs are good and two legs are bad, kill each other and let the Hippo rule the earth? Far fetched yes, true though definitely.


Well that's very relevant to a marine killing an afghan :loopy:

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