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I can understand why an Afghan would be angered by the death of one of their children, which is probably why so many of them oppose the Taliban and support the Western forces.


The Afghan police and army are suffering “unsustainable” casualties and may need the west’s support for years, a top Nato commander has claimed.



Afghan Forces Struggle as U.S. Weans Them Off Support

KABUL, Afghanistan — When the American-led NATO coalition officially transferred security responsibility for all of Afghanistan to government forces in a ceremony on Tuesday, it was in part a formality. Already this year, Afghan forces have been in the lead in fighting the Taliban in more than three-quarters of the country — and they have been killed and wounded at a record pace, accordingly.



We are there to help them, not conquer them, I guess you would prefer to let the Afghans suffer at the hands of the Taliban.


There's probably a saying going around among the troops in Afgahnistan.


"Make sure the Afghan soldier your helping is alongside you and not behind because sometimes they get confused which side they're on"

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They should have called you before they invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. You could have created a revolution on the intenet and had Saddam and the Taliban overthrown.

Why oh why didn't they do that?


The American solution hasn't worked though has it?

Do you Americans feel safe at home or abroad after over a decade of wars, huge costs in money and lives, bin laden and most of his era cronies dead etc etc?

Iraq was unfinished senior bush era business and Afghanistan is about minerals, oil transportation pipeline and a presence close to Russia as well as testing out weaponry.

America has created more terrorists than there were to start with.

Dick Cheney did say in an interview about 2 yrs previous to the Iraq invasion when asked about a possible attack on Iraq to oust Saddam that it would take something like another pearl harbour for the Americans to attack, this was shown in one of Michael moores films.

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Please don't say you're trying to justify the Iraq war. It's indefensible.


The popular notion always circulated is that the west went in knowing there were no WMDs.

Have you solid proof that this was the case? I dont think there was any certainty either way and I was never brought into the picture by the CIA or MI6 exactly what the intelligence showed.


You could say as far as I'm concerned is that the jury is still out on that one.


Far better than just going around like a turkey amongst a bunch of other turkeys all cackling that the invasion wasn't justified


---------- Post added 09-11-2013 at 23:53 ----------


The American solution hasn't worked though has it?

Do you Americans feel safe at home or abroad after over a decade of wars, huge costs in money and lives, bin laden and most of his era cronies dead etc etc?

Iraq was unfinished senior bush era business and Afghanistan is about minerals, oil transportation pipeline and a presence close to Russia as well as testing out weaponry.

America has created more terrorists than there were to start with.

Dick Cheney did say in an interview about 2 yrs previous to the Iraq invasion when asked about a possible attack on Iraq to oust Saddam that it would take something like another pearl harbour for the Americans to attack, this was shown in one of Michael moores films.


I think the world is a safer place that it was when bin laden was alive and Al Qaeda and other terrorist leaders had not yet tasted the joys of a drone.


Keep em flying. They're doing a great job. You cant really operate efficiently when you have to keep looking over your shoulder to see if one is heading right for your ass

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The popular notion always circulated is that the west went in knowing there were no WMDs.

Have you solid proof that this was the case? I dont think there was any certainty either way and I was never brought into the picture by the CIA or MI6 exactly what the intelligence showed.


You could say as far as I'm concerned is that the jury is still out on that one.


Far better than just going around like a turkey amongst a bunch of other turkeys all cackling that the invasion wasn't justified


---------- Post added 09-11-2013 at 23:53 ----------



I think the world is a safer place that it was when bin laden was alive and Al Qaeda and other terrorist leaders had not yet tasted the joys of a drone.


Keep em flying. They're doing a great job. You cant really operate efficiently when you have to keep looking over your shoulder to see if one is heading right for your ass


They searched for WMDs for literally years and never found a trace, not a trace of any. The jury isnt out, theres no case to answer. You could argue that the world is a better place without saddam but the world would be a better place than umpteen hither to unmolested (or even supported by the US) dictators. They either went into Iraq for oil, revenge (?) for unfinished gulf war one business or they just couldn't fine bin laden but knew where saddam was.

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They searched for WMDs for literally years and never found a trace, not a trace of any. The jury isnt out, theres no case to answer. You could argue that the world is a better place without saddam but the world would be a better place than umpteen hither to unmolested (or even supported by the US) dictators. They either went into Iraq for oil, revenge (?) for unfinished gulf war one business or they just couldn't fine bin laden but knew where saddam was.


Who searched for years? As far as I remember one of the reasons the invasion took place was because Saddam kept giving the impression that he did/may have had WMDs. If he'd come clean and allowed a thorough inspection by the UN he would probably have survived and continued to rule until the so called Arab Spring started to spread across that part of the world

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Time to get creative then, the poor get poorer (and die) during times of war and the rich prosper.

Its not only poor people that die in wars.




It was an analogy, to show that reckless behaviour resulting in death by accident, will not be welcomed by the victims of that accident.
It would be reckless to walk into McDonalds with a grenade, using them in times of war though is necessary.




Well shall we stop mourning their loss then?


Why would you want to stop mourning the war dead.

Paying their wages.

As do I and I'm happy with the job they do, and understand how difficult it is, accidents happen in every work place, sadly when they happen in the theater of war people die.
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I wonder how many of our lads this brave man,who was probably hiding in civvies,had blown up with the cowardly "illegal" roadside bombs,yes the RM made a mistake,he should have turned his camera off ,I wonder how many of his mates are now in dock with missing limbs etc and their faces must have gone threw his mind ,it happens ,its war get over it if the boot was on the other foot and that was one of our lads laid there they would probably be tortured and then decapitated ,at least he gave him a quick death and a fast ticket to his 72 virgins ,his spirit must be wallowing in the pleasures as we speak and thanking the RM for speeding him on his way.

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That's why we have these problems, until we start caring and sharing empathy for each others dead then there will always be conflicts in war.

Could you explain why not?



Are you thick?


To the parents of dead children, the Afghan and Lee Rigby's parents they're not collateral damage.


---------- Post added 09-11-2013 at 22:44 ----------



The problem is there are rules of engagement that soldiers are expected to follow, if they feel unable to they shouldn't be serving.

And do you think in the heat of a fight they read the rule book,do the afghans have a rule book as well,I will tell you this I would not have wasted a bullet on him it would have been the rifle butt instead or some nice Sheffield cold steel.


---------- Post added 10-11-2013 at 08:40 ----------


I will be in Barkers Pool at the remembrance at 11 o clock will any one on here???

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