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Marine found guilty of murder

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Who searched for years? As far as I remember one of the reasons the invasion took place was because Saddam kept giving the impression that he did/may have had WMDs. If he'd come clean and allowed a thorough inspection by the UN he would probably have survived and continued to rule until the so called Arab Spring started to spread across that part of the world


Thats correct, we know that he had WMD because he used them, he bluffed that he had more, or he hid them very well, we called his bluff and he lost.

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It was the West who stupidly invaded Afghanistan and Iraq when non-military options would have avoided political vacuums created by the invasions being filled by an armed resistance.
Afghanistan along with Pakistan was and still is the home of terrorism

Did you enjoy the 100% executions of women that took place in the middle of Kabul football pitch every Saturday for all the disgusting charges that the Muslim Taliban contrived?

No doubt you enjoyed the young girl being shot in the head or seeing the Twin Towers collapse.

All at the bidding of the Afghan Muslim controlled Taliban Al Quaeda.


---------- Post added 10-11-2013 at 11:29 ----------


Thats correct, we know that he had WMD because he used them, he bluffed that he had more, or he hid them very well, we called his bluff and he lost.


We lost because Blair gave in to Bush who insisted on disbanding the Iraqi army and police instead of using them and in doing so turned the Iraqis against us.

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Did you enjoy the 100% executions of women that took place in the middle of Kabul football pitch every Saturday


You'd have to ask if he watched the executions first before asking such a bold question. I take you watched the executions?


No doubt you enjoyed the young girl being shot in the head


Why would the poster get any enjoyment from such an atrocity, but more importantly why would you pose such a question to that particular poster?

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Bleeding hearts abound here bemoaning the loss of one taliban:roll: . I'll be more inclined to sympathy when I hear an equal sense of outrage at the loss of life at the hands of the Taliban et al. Taliban/AQ storm a mall in Nairobi killing civilian men, women, and children. Then there was Mumbai, Bali hotel, Nigerian churches and schools, Egyptian churches, Iraqi and Pakistani Shia mowed down by the hundreds by cowardly car bombs. And you whine about" one taliban" and "war crimes" when we hunt down a few of these cowards.

Then there is the latent racism that comes with the lefty attitude toward all of this. Seems the Taliban are not held to the same human standard as us. Why? Because being brown and Muslim you don't expect them to have yet developed the same level of regard for law and life that you expect of the white, Christian british :suspect:

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What he was trying to say is the "war on terror" has radicalised more Muslims and made the world a much more dangerous place. Most terror attacks are a direct response of our foreign policy.

Thank you Jmack, at least someone got the point that I was trying to make.

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Afghanistan along with Pakistan was and still is the home of terrorism

Did you enjoy the 100% executions of women that took place in the middle of Kabul football pitch every Saturday for all the disgusting charges that the Muslim Taliban contrived?

No doubt you enjoyed the young girl being shot in the head or seeing the Twin Towers collapse.

All at the bidding of the Afghan Muslim controlled Taliban Al Quaeda.


I believe it was said at the time that the twin towers collapse may have been in revenge for US meddling in Israel.

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