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Marine found guilty of murder

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in some respects yes we should, there are plenty we are at war with that cant even read the Geneva convention let alone abide by it, are you really saying that all our enemies would take any notice?? only western civilised countries have ever taken any notice of it, war isnt civilised or havent you noticed


Do you really believe that war should be an indisciplined free for all?


It's our professionalism that gives us the edge and our tradition for discipline that holds our Armed Forces together. This Royal Marine did not meet these standards and when you couple this with his stupidity to get caught on film, it left his superiors with no choice.

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Do you really believe that war should be an indisciplined free for all?


It's our professionalism that gives us the edge and our tradition for discipline that holds our Armed Forces together. This Royal Marine did not meet these standards and when you couple this with his stupidity to get caught on film, it left his superiors with no choice.


war is a free for all as far as i can see!! like i said its only the western countries that signed up to the geneva convention that stick to the letter of the document.......how crazy is it that in a battlefield situation with urban guerrilla type insurgents our troops have to request permission to open fire under rules of engagement:loopy: our enemies do not meet our tradition for discipline as you put it:loopy::loopy:

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Are you suggesting we lower ourselves to their level? What a stupid idea.

You mean like cut heads off every Sat afternoon in a stadium,or treat women with no respect or fly planes into buildings or send in suicide bombers,no not stooping that low.

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You mean like cut heads off every Sat afternoon in a stadium,or treat women with no respect or fly planes into buildings or send in suicide bombers,no not stooping that low.


Then I'm sure you'd agree with me that British soldiers should continue with their proud tradition of fighting within the terms of the Geneva convention and treating the enemy wounded and dead with dignity.

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war is a free for all as far as i can see!! like i said its only the western countries that signed up to the geneva convention that stick to the letter of the document.......how crazy is it that in a battlefield situation with urban guerrilla type insurgents our troops have to request permission to open fire under rules of engagement:loopy: our enemies do not meet our tradition for discipline as you put it:loopy::loopy:


War is not a free for all. The Taliban may fight it like a free for all, but the British Armed Forces certainly do not. It this discipline that gives us the advantage, it's professionalism has led us to come out on top time after time.


To suggest that we should throw away hundreds of years of tradition, to fight such lowly enemy, on this day of remembrance is just plain wrong.

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No, he was found guilty and locked up because he murdered a defenceless man.


How was that assessment made, was the injured man searched for weapons, did they check to see if he was booby trapped? Or are you just assuming that injured soldiers no longer want to kill their enemy.

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How was that assessment made, was the injured man searched for weapons, did they check to see if he was booby trapped? Or are you just assuming that injured soldiers no longer want to kill their enemy.


Maybe because his peers came to the same conclusion. He wasn't convicted and tried by keyboard worriers but professional soldiers. I doubt they would have convicted if the man at the time posed a threat. With respect to Halibut's claim it is a little more credible than...


"he was found guilty and locked up top appease people like you.
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Exactly - and the marine knew it too, which is why he said what he did and shot him - and hence his quite proper murder conviction.


Well i can only blame the Marine for stepping wide eyed into it. He should have just walked away and left the scumbag to die.

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