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Marine found guilty of murder

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Point taken BF, I still think the mental trauma of the soldier prior to the event needs to be examined, no one can go through what they have and come out the other end unscathed.


---------- Post added 11-11-2013 at 11:47 ----------

If they can't hack it then they shouldn't have joined up. Every other profession has its rules and so does the army


What a hardline right wing attitude you have there LM ;)

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he killed a jihadi. Killing jihadi POS is the only possible adequate reason that UK/US forces should even be in Afghanistan - something that our clueless political and military leaders haven't grasped yet. We have put our boys in this ridiculous situation where they are fighting for the unachievable goal of implementing democracy where it isn't possible, and handicapped them with rules of engagement that are geared more to not killing the enemy than to killing them. We are forcing them to train Afghanis who routinely turn their weapons on their trainers. It's understandable that some of them blow off steam once in a while.

There seems to be no question that the deceased was a piece of taliban filth, so the Marine improved the world a tiny bit by killing him. a small token fine would be adequate punishment.

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We have put our boys in this ridiculous situation where they are fighting for the unachievable goal of implementing democracy where it isn't possible, and handicapped them with rules of engagement that are geared more to not killing the enemy than to killing them. We are forcing them to train Afghanis who routinely turn their weapons on their trainers. It's understandable that some of them blow off steam once in a while.



Spoken for truth

The blame lies with the politicians

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Point taken BF, I still think the mental trauma of the soldier prior to the event needs to be examined, no one can go through what they have and come out the other end unscathed.


I suspect that will be reflected during the sentencing exercise cb.


---------- Post added 11-11-2013 at 12:14 ----------


he killed a jihadi. Killing jihadi POS is the only possible adequate reason that UK/US forces should even be in Afghanistan - something that our clueless political and military leaders haven't grasped yet. We have put our boys in this ridiculous situation where they are fighting for the unachievable goal of implementing democracy where it isn't possible, and handicapped them with rules of engagement that are geared more to not killing the enemy than to killing them. We are forcing them to train Afghanis who routinely turn their weapons on their trainers. It's understandable that some of them blow off steam once in a while.

There seems to be no question that the deceased was a piece of taliban filth, so the Marine improved the world a tiny bit by killing him. a small token fine would be adequate punishment.


In the years that our troops have been in Afghanistan, none have been tried and convicted for murder, this is CLEARLY a very exceptional incident indeed.


Everyone, especially the military appreciate the pressures infantry troops work under, if they didn't trials like this one would be commonplace, but Marine A has grievously overstepped the mark.


Prisoners of War go back to the 1600's (Peace of Westphalia) so it's hardly unreasonable to expect injured soldiers to be taken prisoner rather than summarily executed on the battle field.


---------- Post added 11-11-2013 at 12:16 ----------


There seems to be no question that the deceased was a piece of taliban filth, so the Marine improved the world a tiny bit by killing him. a small token fine would be adequate punishment.


So to beat the Taliban and restore democracy to the region you want our dedicated and professional soldiers to...behave like the Taliban?

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You'd have to ask if he watched the executions first before asking such a bold question. I take you watched the executions?




Why would the poster get any enjoyment from such an atrocity, but more importantly why would you pose such a question to that particular poster?


There you go again never raising a point just sniping.


---------- Post added 11-11-2013 at 12:29 ----------


So to beat the Taliban and restore democracy to the region you want our dedicated and professional soldiers to...behave like the Taliban?


The trouble is that there has never been democracy in Afghanistan pre Taliban or now.

Muslim countries do not accept the principle of democracy, they use the word blasphemy more often than those on here use the word racist and that is saying something.


---------- Post added 11-11-2013 at 12:31 ----------


Prisoners of War go back to the 1600's (Peace of Westphalia) so it's hardly unreasonable to expect injured soldiers to be taken prisoner rather than summarily executed on the battle field.


Didn't you see the film brought back by the British correspondent where Russian POWs were summarily executed by the Taliban.


Seems one law for them and one for us. :suspect:


---------- Post added 11-11-2013 at 12:34 ----------


We have put our boys in this ridiculous situation where they are fighting for the unachievable goal of implementing democracy where it isn't possible, and handicapped them with rules of engagement that are geared more to not killing the enemy than to killing them. We are forcing them to train Afghanis who routinely turn their weapons on their trainers. It's understandable that some of them blow off steam once in a while.



Spoken for truth

The blame lies with the politicians


The same who put ill equipped and ill trained troops in Northern Ireland for the first few years.


---------- Post added 11-11-2013 at 12:39 ----------


I'm surprised they don't issue an order that every soldier has to say to the enemy, "excuse me sir, do you mind if I just shoot you" and await his reply before shooting him.......


I think your post is summed up by your signature; "Fools speak because they have to say something".


There's only one fool and it isn't Janl it's you, in Aden our large armoured cars could only use their main weapon on permission from HQ even when under severe fire, how daft was that? Typical arm chair computer warrior.:loopy:

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The trouble is that there has never been democracy in Afghanistan pre Taliban or now.

Muslim countries do not accept the principle of democracy, they use the word blasphemy more often than those on here use the word racist and that is saying something.

I was quoting the word 'democracy' from jc's post as he stated that was our reason for being there, personally I disagree.


Didn't you see the film brought back by the British correspondent where Russian POWs were summarily executed by the Taliban.


Seems one law for them and one for us. :suspect:


Presumably that's why we're fighting them, because we don't like how they go about business. If they were just like us we wouldn't be there.


---------- Post added 11-11-2013 at 12:42 ----------


There's only one fool and it isn't Janl it's you, in Aden our large armoured cars could only use their main weapon on permission from HQ even when under severe fire, how daft was that? Typical arm chair computer warrior.:loopy:


But as the poster said, technology has made battlefield communications almost instantaneous, in fact with the use of drones we don't even have to be on the battlefield-but that brings its own problems (armchair computer warriors).

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I suspect that will be reflected during the sentencing exercise cb.


---------- Post added 11-11-2013 at 12:14 ----------



In the years that our troops have been in Afghanistan, none have been tried and convicted for murder, this is CLEARLY a very exceptional incident indeed.


Everyone, especially the military appreciate the pressures infantry troops work under, if they didn't trials like this one would be commonplace, but Marine A has grievously overstepped the mark.


Prisoners of War go back to the 1600's (Peace of Westphalia) so it's hardly unreasonable to expect injured soldiers to be taken prisoner rather than summarily executed on the battle field.


---------- Post added 11-11-2013 at 12:16 ----------



So to beat the Taliban and restore democracy to the region you want our dedicated and professional soldiers to...behave like the Taliban?







When is a killing not murder. I fail to see why we pretend there are rules in warfare. Shooting a wounded man is no different from dropping a bomb from 30,000ft or firing a missile from a drone. All those acts lead to the death of human beings its just the height of hypocrisy to pretend there are actually rules that govern which is legal and which isn't. And if you really do believe there are rules then why isn't every polititician on the planet on trial


the marine was caught doing what probably has happened a thousand times in Afghanistan and happens in every war and the vast majority of soldiers get away with it because its a natural thing in a war zone. Example during WW2 British officers in Burma would walk around after an ambush against the Japanese, dispatching any surviving Japanese soldiers with their revolvers. Cold blooded but thats what war is. shouldn't even be a trial.

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When is a killing not murder. I fail to see why we pretend there are rules in warfare.
So you won't be getting upset when the Taliban and their acolytes continue decapitating our soldiers?


Shooting a wounded man is no different from dropping a bomb from 30,000ft or firing a missile from a drone. All those acts lead to the death of human beings its just the height of hypocrisy to pretend there are actually rules that govern which is legal and which isn't.

Presumably there are reasons bombs are dropped from 30,000 feet and the decision to do so is taken after serious consideration.


The injured enemy posed no threat to the marine, if he did I'd applaud the use of lethal force by him, but he didn't-he was killed for fun. In civilian life Marine A would be regarded as a coward and a bully and spurned by the community.


And if you really do believe there are rules then why isn't every polititician on the planet on trial

Because they wield the power, it doesn't mean their decisions are the correct ones.


Our brave service men and women are having their backsides shot at by a well motivated but amateur enemy, I doubt half the British population (myself included) even know why politicians have placed them in harm's way.

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