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Marine found guilty of murder

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So how can you deal with these scumbags who are blinded by their maniacal Islamic beliefs?


A good start might be not tramping round their villages and mounting unmanned drone attacks in the name of some capitalist war.


Obama has conceded it's time to talk to the Taliban, it's a shame he'd not considered it when he first came to power.


What you and others forget is that wars of this nature are rarely about beliefs or doctrines, they're about money and global investment.

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By behaving in a better way than they do for starters.

Which is why it's right and proper this marine has been done for murder and will hopefully do serious time.


:hihi: Well that should do the trick, lets all act like gentleman and the Islamists will start being nice, or maybe not and they will just get on with terrorising anyone with different beliefs.


---------- Post added 11-11-2013 at 20:29 ----------


What this got to do with the murder?


I'm confidant that a severely injured Islamist would rather die and spend eternity with 72 virgins, than be treated by the Westerners he despises. After all they are quite happy to kill themselves.


---------- Post added 11-11-2013 at 20:36 ----------


Taliban are not terrorists. They are fighting to protect their land. Al Qaeda are the terrorists.


Here's a couple of headlines.


For anyone who has followed the Afghan war over the past twelve-odd years, the recent addition of the Afghan Taliban to Canada’s list of terrorist entities came as a surprise.


The West led by the United States declared war on the Taliban branding them terrorists.


IRA, Irish republican army, were terrorists, they used terrorist tactics as do the Taliban.


---------- Post added 11-11-2013 at 20:39 ----------


A good start might be not tramping round their villages and mounting unmanned drone attacks in the name of some capitalist war.


Obama has conceded it's time to talk to the Taliban, it's a shame he'd not considered it when he first came to power.


What you and others forget is that wars of this nature are rarely about beliefs or doctrines, they're about money and global investment.


The villages don't belong to the Taliban, they belong to the Afghans and many Afghans despise the Taliban and want our help, are you happy to deprive them of that help and how will you feel when the Taliban regain power and women and children loose many of the rights they have gained.

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Here's a couple of headlines.


For anyone who has followed the Afghan war over the past twelve-odd years, the recent addition of the Afghan Taliban to Canada’s list of terrorist entities came as a surprise.


The West led by the United States declared war on the Taliban branding them terrorists.


IRA, Irish republican army, were terrorists, they used terrorist tactics as do the Taliban.


The IRA were not the government of Ireland. It's easy for us to go on the internet deciding who are terrorists and who aren't. If you where an afghan who's child school had just been blown up by an misplaced missile. You'd have a different opinion on who are the terrorists and who are the freedom fighters.

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one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter ;)

just depends on what side of the fence youre on


---------- Post added 11-11-2013 at 20:02 ----------



indeed, same with saddams iraq, syria, zimbawe, south africa, germany under the nazis, stalins russia (some would say russia now even), china etc etc etc


spot a pattern bassy? ALL ruthless and brutal regimes (governments) that kill their political opponants and brutally silence them


Sounds like the Taliban to me, especially when they shoot schoolgirls and shoot women in the head wow what freedom fighters.


---------- Post added 11-11-2013 at 20:59 ----------


The IRA were not the government of Ireland. It's easy for us to go on the internet deciding who are terrorists and who aren't. If you where an afghan who's child school had just been blown up by an misplaced missile. You'd have a different opinion on who are the terrorists and who are the freedom fighters.


Especially if your daughter was shot in the head by the Taliban whilst travelling in a school bus just because she was a girl on her way to school


---------- Post added 11-11-2013 at 21:00 ----------


killing doesnt just involve executing you know, my grandad was a british POW in burma building the railway for 3 years, he saw a lot of comrades die, from the conditions they were kept in, the hard labour they were forced to do, the heat, disease, and lack of food


That was because the Japanese had not signed the Geneva convention regarding the treatment of POWs therefore many were worked to death.


---------- Post added 11-11-2013 at 21:02 ----------


What this got to do with the murder?
Does God know about the racism where only Muslim terrorists get 72 virgins if they commit murder?
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The IRA were not the government of Ireland. It's easy for us to go on the internet deciding who are terrorists and who aren't. If you where an afghan who's child school had just been blown up by an misplaced missile. You'd have a different opinion on who are the terrorists and who are the freedom fighters.


A yes I forgot we ousted the barbaric non elected Taliban, the Islamic fundamentalist political movement that treated its people so well, they implemented Islamic punishments such as public executions of convicted murderers and adulterers and amputations of those found guilty of theft.


Men were required to grow beards and women had to wear the all-covering burka.


The Taliban banned television, music and cinema and disapproved of girls aged 10 and over from going to school.


They are surely the good guys. :roll:

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A yes I forgot we ousted the barbaric non elected Taliban, the Islamic fundamentalist political movement that treated its people so well, they implemented Islamic punishments such as public executions of convicted murderers and adulterers and amputations of those found guilty of theft.


Men were required to grow beards and women had to wear the all-covering burka.


The Taliban banned television, music and cinema and disapproved of girls aged 10 and over from going to school.


They are surely the good guys. :roll:


Oh dear you'd better get your flak jacket on, there'll be a lot coming your way from the 'Rights For The Taliban' lobby.


You know how we get all these ne'er do wells from these countries who're coming here because they don't like their own countries well why don't all those on here who hate the UK and all it stands for emigrate to these terrorist utopias and get fitted for their suicide jackets.

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Precisely, it was no different than stopping the suffering of an injured animal.


Except your not legally obliged to assist an injure animal by an international convention.


---------- Post added 11-11-2013 at 21:10 ----------


A yes I forgot we ousted the barbaric non elected Taliban, the Islamic fundamentalist political movement that treated its people so well, they implemented Islamic punishments such as public executions of convicted murderers and adulterers and amputations of those found guilty of theft.


Men were required to grow beards and women had to wear the all-covering burka.


The Taliban banned television, music and cinema and disapproved of girls aged 10 and over from going to school.


They are surely the good guys. :roll:


There no the good guys, still doesn't give anyone a right to perform an unwarranted field execution on the guy.


---------- Post added 11-11-2013 at 21:12 ----------


Exactly so the marine was actually showing compassion.


Then why didn't he put a bullet in his head? Oh because that would be "too obvious" his words not mine. He looked on a injured human being and put a bullet in him, his only motive was hatred.

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Except your not legally obliged to assist an injure animal by an international convention.


---------- Post added 11-11-2013 at 21:10 ----------



There no the good guys, still doesn't give anyone a right to perform an unwarranted field execution on the guy.



Do you think the severely injured Islamist would rather be spend eternity with 72 virgins, or be treated by the Westerners he despises.


And what would you have done with him once he recovered.

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