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Marine found guilty of murder

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Or its because there's never been so much scrutiny of our armed forces by pacifists, always looking for reasons to pull them down. This only came to light because someone kept a video record of it on a laptop, I very much doubt its the first time such an incident as happened.



:huh: So the video evidence was found by a pacifist? You didn't have a bitter taste in your mouth while typing that, did you?


What you very much doubt or don't doubt is irrelevant.


---------- Post added 13-11-2013 at 19:29 ----------


When was the last time Royal Navy Officer's came face to face with the enemy, in a combat situation.


The RM are the amphibious infantry of the Royal Navy, so the chances of a RN officer having past served with the RM are a lot higher than if you were on the panel of judges.

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That's totally the opposite of what happened! He was heavily criticised both in parliament and by the inquiry.Earlier this year David Cameron visited the site and laid a wreath. He described the Amritsar massacre as "a deeply shameful event in British history, one that Winston Churchill rightly described at that time as monstrous. We must never forget what happened here and we must ensure that the UK stands up for the right of peaceful protests".


As for Bloody Sunday, it's a story that keeps on bubbling under, with rumours of prosecutions to come.


Not charged with genocide though. Slap on the wrist

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:huh: So the video evidence was found by a pacifist? You didn't have a bitter taste in your mouth while typing that, did you?


What you very much doubt or don't doubt is irrelevant.


No it isn't, my opinion is just a relevant as everyone elses opinion.


The RM are the amphibious infantry of the Royal Navy, so the chances of a RN officer having past served with the RM are a lot higher than if you were on the panel of judges.


No it isn't, the chances that a RN officer as come under repeated enemy fire from the Taliban and fought face the face with the Taliban, is very remote.

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No it isn't, my opinion is just a relevant as everyone elses opinion.




No it isn't, the chances that a RN officer as come under repeated enemy fire from the Taliban and fought face the face with the Taliban, is very remote.

Don't worry about it, Ronnie's not very relevant. He just likes to insult people without giving any intelligent input.
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On that point I firmly agree harvey19, if there is any leniency to be shown it isn't on determining whether he's a murderer or not but on the special circumstances which led to him becoming one, which may sway in his favour in terms of sentencing.


If he's convicted of murder then there's only one sentence, life imprisonment.


I think I'm right on this, although I'm not a lawyer and military courts may operate differently.


Of course life imprisonment can be relatively short if there is no minimum tariff imposed by the judge.


---------- Post added 14-11-2013 at 00:22 ----------


When was the last time Royal Navy Officer's came face to face with the enemy, in a combat situation.


My old boss had been an officer in the Special Boat Service, which is the Navy equivalent of the SAS. He spent part of his career in Oman, riding a camel and helping the Sultan of Oman fight 'insurgents' in the early 1970s. What the SBS was doing in a desert country I have no idea.


Maybe that was the last time a Royal Navy Officer came face to face with the enemy in a combat situation?

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My old boss had been an officer in the Special Boat Service, which is the Navy equivalent of the SAS. He spent part of his career in Oman, riding a camel and helping the Sultan of Oman fight 'insurgents' in the early 1970s. What the SBS was doing in a desert country I have no idea.


Maybe that was the last time a Royal Navy Officer came face to face with the enemy in a combat situation?


Very good point, the question would then be were any of the RN officers at his trial serving or ex SBS, if so they would understand what he had gone through.

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If he's convicted of murder then there's only one sentence, life imprisonment.


I think I'm right on this, although I'm not a lawyer and military courts may operate differently.


Of course life imprisonment can be relatively short if there is no minimum tariff imposed by the judge.


The mitigation (if any) would be taken account of in setting the minimum term of imprisonment.

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No it isn't, my opinion is just a relevant as everyone elses opinion.


Your opinion is important only, in this case your opinion wont have any relevance to his outcome or future. I've accepted the ruling, for you it's an onward battle which I suspect you have no interest in other than your word play game.


No it isn't, the chances that a RN officer as come under repeated enemy fire from the Taliban and fought face the face with the Taliban, is very remote.


Why are you adding something later to which I didn't originally reply to? which was this...

When was the last time Royal Navy Officer's came face to face with the enemy, in a combat situation.


I don't know specifically but the chances are far greater that a senior RN officer has had previous experience with the marines and their enemy than some apologist keyboard jockey. I suspect the varied experiences of all those senior officers were of vital importance.


What the hell difference does it make who he's coming under fire from or face to face with? If you're being fired upon you're a target. In this case he wasn't. You squeal like a pig when the Taliban commit atrocities then lick your lips when one of ours does the same. You foam at the mouth when the Taliban commit atrocities towards their women then tell us all women are the cause of said atrocities. yeah that's sound logic :roll:

The chances are far greater that a RN officer has had previous experience and knowledge of the marines than some rape apologist misogynist. FACT.


I've no doubt many marines in the same situation which is probably a lot have thought "put one in the head" but because of their professionalism don't, it's kept as a thought or passing banter, their training kicks in..it's called discipline..a concept you're prepared to ignore or don't have the slightest concept of to the detriment of a whole fighting unit. He wasn't "found out" because of pacifists or to appease them, he was found out because of what he did, if he hadn't done what he did he wouldn't have been in his present situation.


Don't worry about it, Ronnie's not very relevant. He just likes to insult people without giving any intelligent input.


There are some intelligent posters on here buck who I respect..but really? you lecture me on intelligence?


Well..you go on apologising for the apologist just cos you don't like Ronnie eh. In your case it doesn't matter if intelligent or not. You're so up yourself you actually at one time complimented me..I then replied to another posters post about something totally unrelated, and in a fit of invective you threatened to never compliment me again - boo hoo- because the haze before your eyes thought the reply was to you. Personally I don't give a toss if you compliment, hold a grudge, whistle Dixie or set light to your farts for entertainment. You are entertaining though. Keep the finger on the on/off ignore button, you know it makes sense.

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