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Marine found guilty of murder

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Your opinion is important only, in this case your opinion wont have any relevance to his outcome or future. I've accepted the ruling, for you it's an onward battle which I suspect you have no interest in other than your word play game.


I don't expect my opinion to change the outcome, and this isn't the place to try and change the outcome, its the place to express ones opinion with other people that express their opinion.





I don't know specifically but the chances are far greater that a senior RN officer has had previous experience with the marines and their enemy than some apologist keyboard jockey.
I agree, but that doesn't alter the fact that they are unlikely to have had the same experience as marine A, which was my original point and the point that still stand.



The rest of your post was irreverent to the point I made which you keep trying to counter.

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Posts containing racist abuse of forum members has been removed along with all references to them.


I've left a lot of posts containing insults of forum members mainly because I understand this is a heated issue so tempers are a little frayed.


However please try to keep the discussion civil.

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Mod Note


Posts containing racist abuse of forum members has been removed along with all references to them.


I've left a lot of posts containing insults of forum members mainly because I understand this is a heated issue so tempers are a little frayed.

However please try to keep the discussion civil.


With all these frayed tempers it makes you wonder what some would do in the heat of battle, confronted by their enemy, after being shot at. :)

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With all these frayed tempers it makes you wonder what some would do in the heat of battle, confronted by their enemy, after being shot at. :)


It would be more relevant to speculate on how you would regard someone who murdered someone else having not been shot at.

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Mod Note


Posts containing racist abuse of forum members has been removed along with all references to them.


I've left a lot of posts containing insults of forum members mainly because I understand this is a heated issue so tempers are a little frayed.


However please try to keep the discussion civil.

None of my posts were in the slightest bit racist. Nonetheless, they are gone. Perhaps my location has something to do with it.
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Mod Note

None of my posts were in the slightest bit racist. Nonetheless, they are gone. Perhaps my location has something to do with it.
Quite correct your remarks weren't in the least racist, however the posts you made were removed because they quoted or referred to deleted posts.


Now if any one else has any queries regarding deleted posts, please take them to the helpdesk.

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Anyone who enters another country, invited or otherwise, with the intent to murder or intimidate its citizens is a terrorist. As such he is fair game. Anyone who attacks an invader to his country is a partisan.

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Can't understand why people stick up for the terrorist,whilst ever he's breathing he's a danger to life be it booby trapped,hidden weapon ect,I wouldn't feel safe while he's breathing,we'veall seen to what extreme these go to to kill people.


It isn't really sticking up for terrorist though. I don't shed any tears for the bloke he shot - good riddance - but there are two reason why the soldier needs to be punished (couple of years in nick will do):


1. We can't allow them to drag us down to their level or we are no better than them.


2. The standing order is you cannot kill wounded personnel who are out of combat... and if you let soldiers start to pick and choose which orders they want to follow then you no longer have control of a professional army and that would make us weaker.

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I call killing a terrorist justified, the piece of trash was a terrorist outside the rules of war and the Geneva convention!


Well who did he murder? he shot and killed a terrorist and in doing so he helped him get to heaven a lot earlier along with his 72 virgins waiting for him.

So in reality he did him a favour


You might call it justified and you might question who he murdered.


But then your opinion is of no relevance in the matter is it? It is the view of the military court that is important and they have decided he is guilty of murder.

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