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Marine found guilty of murder

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It isn't really sticking up for terrorist though. I don't shed any tears for the bloke he shot - good riddance - but there are two reason why the soldier needs to be punished (couple of years in nick will do):


1. We can't allow them to drag us down to their level or we are no better than them.


2. The standing order is you cannot kill wounded personnel who are out of combat... and if you let soldiers start to pick and choose which orders they want to follow then you no longer have control of a professional army and that would make us weaker.





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Anyone who enters another country, invited or otherwise, with the intent to murder or intimidate its citizens is a terrorist. As such he is fair game. Anyone who attacks an invader to his country is a partisan.


That's the US of A. Presumably you have no problem with Talibs murdering captured US personnel then?

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That's the US of A. Presumably you have no problem with Talibs murdering captured US personnel then?


I think the Taliban's intention is to murder NATO forces, regardless of captured or not. Again though that isn't the question, we know their intent, we also know and on the whole practice our code of conduct set out in the rules of engagement, overwhelmingly that is. As in this case an individual applied his own set of rules. Interestingly if a individual Taliban was to treat a prisoner with respect, that particular Taliban would most likely be shot..or worse by his comrades.

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Does being a terrorist come under the rules of engagement?

I call killing a terrorist justified, the piece of trash was a terrorist outside the rules of war and the Geneva convention!


This isn't necessarily my view but it does put a compellingly different spin on yours.


Anyone who enters another country, invited or otherwise, with the intent to murder or intimidate its citizens is a terrorist. As such he is fair game. Anyone who attacks an invader to his country is a partisan.
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Ahen! Cough!! World War 2, Cough! :cool:


If you knew your history you would have known that unlike Canada, Australia, South Africa and the rest of the Commowealth countries with close ties to Britain the US had no particulat reason to get involved in what looked like in 1939 a forthcoming repeat performance of the World War One senseless slaughter

Be happy that thousands of the commonwealth countires once more sent their youth to fight and die for the mother country

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So why is it being discussed?


---------- Post added 15-11-2013 at 23:19 ----------


But the legitimate government of Afghanistan agree with us being there, it is only the terrorists who object.

If you have a wife who is educated and daughter who is in education would you like your wife to have her brains blown out and the same for your daughter?

It isn't the government in Afghanistan who're doing this it is the Al Qaeda terrorist Taliban scumbags one of whom the marine quite rightly dispatched.


---------- Post added 15-11-2013 at 23:23 ----------



Actually they fought for themselves, India, Australia and South East Asia sorting out the Japanese on their own? I don't think so


---------- Post added 15-11-2013 at 23:28 ----------



Remarkable how he gets away with his rude offensive posts.


---------- Post added 15-11-2013 at 23:32 ----------


Oh and by the way Al Qaeda have just beheaded a Prisoner Of War.


Come on Ronnie BF and other anti RM let's hear what you have to say about that or are you now going to blame the Royal Marine for setting a precedence.


Australia, New Zealand and South Africa all sent troops to fight Rommel in the north African campaign. Later the Australians and New Zealanders were withdrawn and sent to fight the Japs after Rommel was beaten so it worked both ways

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Australia, New Zealand and South Africa all sent troops to fight Rommel in the north African campaign. Later the Australians and New Zealanders were withdrawn and sent to fight the Japs after Rommel was beaten so it worked both ways
Exactly along with many thousands of UK Soldiers, Airmen and Royal Navy personnel and ships.
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Exactly along with many thousands of UK Soldiers, Airmen and Royal Navy personnel and ships.


And along with my Marines, the US Marine Corps, Iwo JIma, Guadalcanal, Tarawa and all that and of course the US Navy, Army and Army Air Cops, the latter of which first brought the war home to Japan. Doolittle's air raid on Japan

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