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Marine found guilty of murder

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Do the Pakistani boys and girls who were blown to pieces in US drone strikes for daring to be in the wrong place at the wrong time similarly concern you?


You seem to employ a worrying degree of moral relativism.


Is killing a defenceless human being sometimes a bad thing and worthy of punishment and sometimes, well, kind of Ok?


That appears to be your stance.


The other alternative to dealing with terrorists is sending in troops which means even more deaths and destruction not to mention getting involved in a ground war that is probably unwinnable and difficult to withdraw from not to mention the cost.


That lesson should have already been learned in Afghanistan.


Maybe the solution is to appeal to the better and sporting nature of the Al Qaeda and Taliban and explain as tacttfully as possible that hiding in the midst of women and children is "simply not cricket old boy"

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Kubrick lived in England for most of his career. All of FMJ was filmed in London and had nothing to do with anyone's fear of anything. Kubrick lived in St Alban's. I was correcting a comment that FMJ was Coppola's film. It wasn't.


Well Kubrick was an idiot and I'm not surprised that FMJ was fanicful to say the least. The man didnt have a clue.


No platoon sergeant would have ever gotten himself blown up by grabbing hold of an object that was clearly booby trapped.


The recruit who went crazy in boot camp yet no one noticed was also strictly Kubrick


What else could anyone expect from a man who was scared of flying and filmed such a work in London of all places


You a fan of his? That wouldn't surprise me either

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pity the germans didnt stick to it then isn't a question.


never mind :roll:


Neither is that. It's a Nirvana LP.


Rally of the week, game set and match to LeMaquis.


---------- Post added 06-12-2013 at 21:26 ----------


In other words let him suffer a little longer before he died.


To care for and ameliorate the suffering another human being.

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What our soldiers do in a time of war should never get into the public domain.


Maybe, but it should be governed by the geneva convention and it should be enforced by the courts (military ones).


Not doing a tour in Afghanistan doesn't mean you aren't entitled to an opinion on the illegal execution of prisoners.

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