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Marine found guilty of murder

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Rally of the week, game set and match to LeMaquis.


---------- Post added 06-12-2013 at 21:26 ----------



To care for and ameliorate the suffering another human being.


I know that the nearest you've ever been in a war is on an X Box game but what would you do if you had seen five of your mates in the vehicle ahead of you killed by an IED and then soon after they caught the person who had done it?

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I know that the nearest you've ever been in a war is on an X Box game but what would you do if you had seen five of your mates in the vehicle ahead of you killed by an IED and then soon after they caught the person who had done it?


Thats an impossible question to answer, what some one thinks they would do whilst sat at home and what they would do could be entirety different.


Something said in summing up.


"This was your sixth operational tour and your second to Afghanistan in under 14 years of service," the judge said.


"We accept that you were affected by the constant pressure, ever present danger and fear of death or serious injury.


"This was enhanced by the reduction of available men in your command post so that you had to undertake more patrols yourself and place yourself and your men in danger more often.


"We also accept the psychiatric evidence presented today that when you killed the insurgent it was likely that you were suffering to some degree from combat stress disorder.


"While we acknowledge your personal circumstances and the immense pressure you were under, we note that thousands of other service personnel have experienced the same or similar stresses.

"They exercised self-discipline and acted properly and humanely; you did not."


The bold is something the court couldn't possibly know. This kind of thing could have happened many times before, and until this evidence came to light they would have said the same about Sergeant Blackman.

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Well Kubrick was an idiot and I'm not surprised that FMJ was fanicful to say the least. The man didnt have a clue.


Maybe. Maybe not. But if you thought that then I wonder why you also thought Coppola made FMJ. Now Apocalypse Now was a brilliant Vietnam film. Kubrick did make some brilliant films too, including The Shining, 2001 and Barry Lyndon. They're hardly the work of a man without a clue. And he was a real American, unlike some.

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Well Kubrick was an idiot and I'm not surprised that FMJ was fanicful to say the least. The man didnt have a clue.


No platoon sergeant would have ever gotten himself blown up by grabbing hold of an object that was clearly booby trapped.


The recruit who went crazy in boot camp yet no one noticed was also strictly Kubrick


What else could anyone expect from a man who was scared of flying and filmed such a work in London of all places


You a fan of his? That wouldn't surprise me either


You fibbing! FMJ? Filmed in London?

That must be an urban myth or something. Really it must.

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Maybe. Maybe not. But if you thought that then I wonder why you also thought Coppola made FMJ. Now Apocalypse Now was a brilliant Vietnam film. Kubrick did make some brilliant films too, including The Shining, 2001 and Barry Lyndon. They're hardly the work of a man without a clue. And he was a real American, unlike some.


Apocalypse Now? A pure satire on the war but look at the cast Brando, Martin Sheen, Robert Duvall. :hihi: That film was produced to appeal directly to moviegoers who wanted a bit of fact mixed with a lot of fantasy because fantasy is what Hollywood specializes in more than anything and fantasy sells


Barry Lyndon? Forgettable. It may have won awards but Ryan O'Neal was always dull and second rate. That's why he's out of picture these days.

The critics at the time quite rightly said that Barry Lyndon's visual effects were brilliant and Kubrick took pains to ensure that during the making of the film but the story was unimaginative to say the least. They don't even run that movie on the Turner Classic Movies cable channel either


The Shining? Had very good moments with two first rate stars Nicholoson and Shelly Duval but trust Kubrick to turn the film's end into a three ringed circus. What was a real chiller was ruined by Nicholson's gross facial expressions and hunchback clowning around which was totally comedic. :hihi:

What Stephen King must have thought of the way Kubrick transformed his story I cannot imagine.


You invariably repeat your same childish remarks about what a "real" American is? What is a "real" American in your opinion? John Wayne, Lee Harvey Oswald, Yoko Ono? You dont have a clue matey and you've never even set foot in this part of the world


Are you a "real" proletarian revolutionary? Or just a keyboard cardboard cutout? :hihi:


---------- Post added 07-12-2013 at 18:43 ----------


You fibbing! FMJ? Filmed in London?

That must be an urban myth or something. Really it must.[/quote


They can perform miracles at some studios in the most unlikely locations.


Visit Universal Studios in So. California sometime. It's an eye opener

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I don't think he can argue too much with the verdict. While I accept they have a lot to deal with out there they are still expected to treat prisoners humanely, the evidence I've seen doesn't show that. our soldsoldiers are expected to work to a certain standard and his fell way below that. I don't think it should of been brought into the public though,

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We need scapegoats, the people at the front, little men told to shoot, kill murder for the greater good.


Meanwhile Blair partly responsible for Iraq, where over a million died as a result of the illegal war, and Blair sanction the use of uranium weaponry, thus creating a nation where birth deformities are becoming the norm. So mass, contrived, illegal killing/murder is fine, where a soldier's emotional state is worse when executing one civilian. The difference between squeezing a trigger, of less than a second, to months of lies, conspiring to illegally carry out a war for personal gain.



So just like benefit fraud, bang up the petty thief, while bankers who have conspired to fix rates and sell knowingly fake products to millions of people, so frauds on a mass scale is fine. So double standards all round

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