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Marine found guilty of murder

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Some people are but then the likes of you are happy to see them imprisoned when they do.


Only when they brake the rules that they agreed to operate under. It's worth remembering that the likes of you have no faith in this country.

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Only when they brake the rules that they agreed to operate under. It's worth remembering that the likes of you have no faith in this country.


I think we can agree on that.


Faith: complete trust or confidence in someone or something.


I can say without hesitation that I don't have complete trust or confidence in the UK governments or the UK's people.


How often do armed forces personnel kill the enemy they capture?


Anyone who has studied warfare will know that it has happened all too often in the past. In fact, there was a time when it was relatively rare to see mercy on the battlefield.


The norm was for the victor to wreak vengeance on the enemy, even after they surrendered.


It was a sign of the times, when armies thought little about what to do with those who were captured. The greater fear was that if lives were spared, they might fight another day.


Attempts to follow international rules of war may have put in place a moral code for treating prisoners humanely.


But there are still many cases of brutality in modern warfare. In 1940 at Le Paradis, outside Dunkirk, the German SS herded about 100 British prisoners into a barn and then just threw in grenades. Worse happened on the Eastern Front.

'Fog of war'


Military historian Robert Lyman says such executions on the battlefield are very common.


"Determining whether a person is killed in battle or executed in the aftermath is often only a product of time," he says. But he draws a key difference between actions taken in the heat of battle and those that can be viewed as cold-blooded murder.



I have faith that during times of war, soldiers will continue to kill the enemy without mercy.



Thousands sign petition to release Royal Marine who killed injured Taliban fighter



Number of signatures: 58,101


This e-petition remains open to signatures and will be considered for debate by the Backbench Business Committee should it pass the 100 000 signature threshold.

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Only when they brake the rules that they agreed to operate under. It's worth remembering that the likes of you have no faith in this country.


Break who's rules?


Enemy tries to kill or harm me I try to stop him, stay alive and unharmed and kill or harm as many of them in the process until they ALL stop trying to kill or harm me. That's one of my rules.



What does faith in this country have to do with it, and how many people really have any anyway. I admit I don't. We have a fiat currency for a start. I have no faith in our so called leaders. Did you know there are laws made by OUR politicians making it illegal for hungry people to go foraging, yet the armed forces teach this as a survival skill.

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Break who's rules?
Oh those ancient rules about not taking the life of another human without just cause..taking a pot shot at them when they're lying injured in the road is a pretty good example of that.

Enemy tries to kill or harm me I try to stop him, stay alive and unharmed

That's fine, I don't think anyone would have a problem with that.


and kill or harm as many of them in the process until they ALL stop trying to kill or harm me. That's one of my rules.

How about not invading his country illegally, he might not want to kill you in the first place or at least stop trying to do so?


What does faith in this country have to do with it, and how many people really have any anyway. I admit I don't. We have a fiat currency for a start. I have no faith in our so called leaders. Did you know there are laws made by OUR politicians making it illegal for hungry people to go foraging, yet the armed forces teach this as a survival skill.



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How about not invading his country illegally, he might not want to kill you in the first place or at least stop trying to do so?



You keep mentioning an illegal invasion, could you clarify this please ?

I don't ask this for arguments sake but to have a better understanding of the situation.

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You keep mentioning an illegal invasion, could you clarify this please ?

I don't ask this for arguments sake but to have a better understanding of the situation.


I'll leave it to the renowned scholar and commentator Prof Noam Chomsky, he states the case much better than I can.



Better one here..


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