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Marine found guilty of murder

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During times of conflict it's even more important for a member of a professional armed forces, (I keep saying this because the person in question was a Royal Marine not a solider) to keep their discipline. It's this disciple that gives a professional armed forces the edge over their rivals.


Royal Marines deservedly have a worldwide reputation as one of the elite fighting forces. Commandos go through one of the toughest training programmes to deploy to some of the harshest environments in the world. This is why this circus is so wrong. Its not that there shouldn't be punishment, but under these exceptional circumstances the standard Court Martial was just not relevant, and totally displaced to the core of reasoning.

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The British Army are?


It is sad that uneducated people seem to swallow the propaganda that is so obviously transparent to anyone of any sense.


A quick question to the forum.


In the last 200 years, who has killed more people, the British Army? Or the armies of every Islamic nation on this earth?


Anyone who believes that we are "defending our way of life" by invading a country thousands of miles away is deranged. How are we defending ourselves? If anything, the actions of our military are endangering our way of life, antagonising people around the world.


The last time we needed "defending" was when the French invaded at Fishguard in 1797. We have NEVER been invaded by a Muslim state (unless you count the tenuous claim of Spain in 1601, but Islam had been mostly pushed out of Spain by then). How many Muslim countries have we invaded?


I am not attacking the British soldiers, they are incredibly brave. However, they are misguided and lied to by society.


A quick reply. The crushing of terrorist training camps. Google it, then when you can walk around Asda without fear of it blowing up, you may understand why our forces do what they do. Its called combatting terrorism.

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A quick reply. The crushing of terrorist training camps. Google it, then when you can walk around Asda without fear of it blowing up, you may understand why our forces do what they do. Its called combatting terrorism.


Hmm when was the last time an Asda was blown up? Must have missed that.


Also, how come no one had heard of these terrorists before the War on Terror? If you research your facts, at the time of Bin Laden's death, the US were not officially blaming him for 9/11 that crime was removed from his rap sheet on the "Most Wanted" list.


As you are so keen on combating terrorism, would you have supported a full scale land and air invasion of Ireland during the 80's and 90's. Irish terrorists have killed far more UK citizens than Islamic terrorists. Do you think we should carpet bomb Dublin? I am going to guess not, the Irish are white after all. (BTW I am of Irish heritage).


What is terrorism, do you even know?


"The unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims".


Based on that definition, could it not be argued that it is in fact the Western armies (including the British Armies) that are the terrorists? The invasions were not mandated by the UN (so are therefore unauthorised) and were intended to remove the people in power (a political aim).



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A quick reply. The crushing of terrorist training camps. Google it, then when you can walk around Asda without fear of it blowing up, you may understand why our forces do what they do. Its called combatting terrorism.


But that doesn't matter to some on here, we should keep turning the other cheek and getting on with our lives!


---------- Post added 08-11-2013 at 21:14 ----------


Hmm when was the last time an Asda was blown up? Must have missed that.


Also, how come no one had heard of these terrorists before the War on Terror? If you research your facts, at the time of Bin Laden's death, the US were not officially blaming him for 9/11 that crime was removed from his rap sheet on the "Most Wanted" list.


As you are so keen on combating terrorism, would you have supported a full scale land and air invasion of Ireland during the 80's and 90's. Irish terrorists have killed far more UK citizens than Islamic terrorists. Do you think we should carpet bomb Dublin? I am going to guess not, the Irish are white after all. (BTW I am of Irish heritage).


What is terrorism, do you even know?


"The unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims".


Based on that definition, could it not be argued that it is in fact the Western armies (including the British Armies) that are the terrorists? The invasions were not mandated by the UN (so are therefore unauthorised) and were intended to remove the people in power (a political aim).




And we have our first player of the race card, I wondered how long!

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But that doesn't matter to some on here, we should keep turning the other cheek and getting on with our lives!


---------- Post added 08-11-2013 at 21:14 ----------



And we have our first player of the race card, I wondered how long!



I think it is relevant. If it is not for that reason, does any one else have any suggestion why we are supporting invasions of countries where people happen to be brown (Iraq, Afghanistan) for the same crime committed by nationals of a country that happens to be white (Ireland).


If it is not because of race, then please explain. After all, Ireland was an awful lot closer geographically to us, so I would say they were more of a threat to us than any of the Middle East.

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Hmm when was the last time an Asda was blown up? Must have missed that.


Also, how come no one had heard of these terrorists before the War on Terror? If you research your facts, at the time of Bin Laden's death, the US were not officially blaming him for 9/11 that crime was removed from his rap sheet on the "Most Wanted" list.


As you are so keen on combating terrorism, would you have supported a full scale land and air invasion of Ireland during the 80's and 90's. Irish terrorists have killed far more UK citizens than Islamic terrorists. Do you think we should carpet bomb Dublin? I am going to guess not, the Irish are white after all. (BTW I am of Irish heritage).


What is terrorism, do you even know?


"The unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims".


Based on that definition, could it not be argued that it is in fact the Western armies (including the British Armies) that are the terrorists? The invasions were not mandated by the UN (so are therefore unauthorised) and were intended to remove the people in power (a political aim).




You remember the troubles in Northern Ireland? Regardless of if they are white or not (im not sure where you're going with that) that too was a fight about religion and demonic insurgent leaders and freedom fighters. Did you feel safe that British soldiers were on foot patrol, protecting the innocent? Would you have walked up to me, and tapped me on the shoulder and told me I know nothing about terrorism due to your media written beliefs? Would you have expected to be protected from your own people?

Afghanistan would not hand over Bin Laden, and he was controlling the terrorist training camps, bootlegging the looted cash to buy weapons and being the face to provoke the Americans.

You can quote home soil events and French invasions to your hearts content, but spare a thought for the servicemen (ex) that bit the apple, and learnt more about terrorism in a day than a civilian couldn't grasp in a millennium.


---------- Post added 08-11-2013 at 21:21 ----------


But that doesn't matter to some on here, we should keep turning the other cheek and getting on with our lives!


---------- Post added 08-11-2013 at 21:14 ----------



And we have our first player of the race card, I wondered how long!


That too puzzled me.


---------- Post added 08-11-2013 at 21:22 ----------


I think it is relevant. If it is not for that reason, does any one else have any suggestion why we are supporting invasions of countries where people happen to be brown (Iraq, Afghanistan) for the same crime committed by nationals of a country that happens to be white (Ireland).


If it is not because of race, then please explain. After all, Ireland was an awful lot closer geographically to us, so I would say they were more of a threat to us than any of the Middle East.


Personally, I couldn't care less if they were Australian.

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As you are so keen on combating terrorism, would you have supported a full scale land and air invasion of Ireland during the 80's and 90's. Irish terrorists have killed far more UK citizens than Islamic terrorists. Do you think we should carpet bomb Dublin? I am going to guess not, the Irish are white after all. (BTW I am of Irish heritage).



I may be wrong here but weren't the Taliban in power in Afghanistan and thought to be harbouring Bin Laden at the time NATO went in? Did the Dublin government openly support the actions of the IRA? .... I'm not sure what colour has to do with it,after all we fought Germans 70 years ago and as far as I know they were white...

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