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Iran,US talks on Atomic Issues

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Very interesting topic,seems the US and Iran are making steady progress on this and its good news for the international community .

The only negative I can see is the Israelis making belicose comments even before the talks have ended,The zionists in Israel are hell bent on ignoring the will of the international communty as usual and its a shame the US cant get a grip on them,still its par for the cousre with Israel isnt it.


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I wonder what they'll be like when they do eventually get the bomb?


The US is negotiating from a position of weakness due to two rather badly carried out wars in the last 10 years. Iran was always a greater threat than Iraq and Afghanistan but Bush supported by his poodle Blair wouldn't have any of it. While the US got bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan the Iranians used the time to advance their nuclear program.

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I see Iran got what it wanted by holding the world to ransom i.e. the lifting of sanctions.


"Iran has agreed to curb some of its nuclear activities in return for about $7bn (£4.3bn) in sanctions relief."




I wonder what they'll be like when they do eventually get the bomb?


I couldn't let the opportunity pass... I agree with Mecky! :o


If there is one middle eastern country where a military intevention could be justified (to destroy their nuclear infrastructure) then it would be Iran. You can't trust them.

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The US is negotiating from a position of weakness due to two rather badly carried out wars in the last 10 years. Iran was always a greater threat than Iraq and Afghanistan but Bush supported by his poodle Blair wouldn't have any of it. While the US got bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan the Iranians used the time to advance their nuclear program.


It isn't weakness, it's called International Chess. It wouldn't surprise me if the West decided to give Iran £1tn per year in aid, Russia and China would object. Personally, I think Iran saw its chance to get mouthy and make it's demands.

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I see Iran got what it wanted by holding the world to ransom i.e. the lifting of sanctions.


"Iran has agreed to curb some of its nuclear activities in return for about $7bn (£4.3bn) in sanctions relief."




I wonder what they'll be like when they do eventually get the bomb?


I couldn't let the opportunity pass... I agree with Mecky! :o


If there is one middle eastern country where a military intevention could be justified (to destroy their nuclear infrastructure) then it would be Iran. You can't trust them.


1) Given that Iran is surrounded by US troops on one side (Iraq) and US troops on the other (Afghanistan), I wouldn't have been surprised if their rulers were developing a nuclear deterrent...


2) ...if it wasnt for the small fact that several decades of spying by US agencies provided NO EVIDENCE the Iranians were had an active nuclear weapons programme.


3) Iran is a signatory the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.


4) israel is not a signatory the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.


5) israel has been telling us, for several years now, that Iran is "a few years away" from building a nuclear bomb.


6 ) Is this a good time to discuss israel's arsenal of an estimated 300+ nuclear warheads?

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1) Given that Iran is surrounded by US troops on one side (Iraq) and US troops on the other (Afghanistan), I wouldn't have been surprised if their rulers were developing a nuclear deterrent...


2) ...if it wasnt for the small fact that several decades of spying by US agencies provided NO EVIDENCE the Iranians were had an active nuclear weapons programme.


3) Iran is a signatory the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.


4) israel is not a signatory the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.


5) israel has been telling us, for several years now, that Iran is "a few years away" from building a nuclear bomb.


6 ) Is this a good time to discuss israel's arsenal of an estimated 300+ nuclear warheads?


Would trust Israel over Iran any day.

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1) Given that Iran is surrounded by US troops on one side (Iraq) and US troops on the other (Afghanistan), I wouldn't have been surprised if their rulers were developing a nuclear deterrent...


2) ...if it wasnt for the small fact that several decades of spying by US agencies provided NO EVIDENCE the Iranians were had an active nuclear weapons programme.


3) Iran is a signatory the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.


4) israel is not a signatory the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.


5) israel has been telling us, for several years now, that Iran is "a few years away" from building a nuclear bomb.


6 ) Is this a good time to discuss israel's arsenal of an estimated 300+ nuclear warheads?


I think Israel is a little more stable than Iran, despite what you're going to say.

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Would trust Israel over Iran any day.


So what's the incentive for Iran to give up her nuclear research projects? So they can make YOU happy?


It's quite damning (for you) that you're prepared to swallow israel's lies about Iran developing a nuclear weapons program when (as mentioned) there's no evidence such a program exists.


Still, if you're prepared to trust the same israel that uses British passports to carry out her dirty little assssination missions across the globe, and similarly lied and made exaggerated claims about Iraq's WMD to cause an invasion (sound familiar?) that caused the deaths of thousands of Western troops and a countless number of Iraqi civilians, then there's no evidence that will be able to convince you otherwise, will it?


No doubt you've already signed up to join th British Army to die in the deserts of the Middle East, seeing as you feel miltary intervention is justified.


I think Israel is a little more stable than Iran, despite what you're going to say.


Then there's absolutely no reason for israel to prevent UN inspections of her nuclear facilities, is there.

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