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Iran,US talks on Atomic Issues

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It amazes me why the rest of the world bow down to the USA. It's not like they are a very good example of how a country should run. Corporate run government for instance.


Why can't other country's have these weapons? Why are they not allowed to have the means to protect themselves?


I think that the US would prefer these country's not to have them so that it would be easier for them to invade when they want to.


I hope we don't follow the US tail again when next they decide to invade another country with the excuse of "Saving it from it's self"


Who runs the government in the UK?


I think the Irish republic should have nuclear weapons just in case the English try to invade again. Gosh, jolly gee whizz I'm sounding just as daft as you are

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because like India and Pakistan who between them probably hold more nuclear weapons today than Israel supposedly does, Israel does not have to sign the NPT if it does not want to just like India and Pakistan do not want to. The NPT treaty was only ratified in 1970 when only the five UNSC members had nuclear weapons. Each of the countries who have nuclear weapons today but are non-signatories to the NPT, did not have them in 1970. Israel, India, and Pakistan clearly think it is not in their strategic interest to sign up to the NPT however the only country you ever see people ever complaining about on the internet not signing up to the NPT, is Israel. You will never witness anybody ever complaining on an internet forum about India and Pakistan not signing up to the NPT, they only ever want to complain about Israel.


my bold=

What a load of tosh!

Israel does have a nuclear arsenal bigger than India or Pakistan.

Mordeci vernunu was locked up and declared a traitor for revealing that Israel had nuclear weapons.

Edited by mafya
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my bold=

What a load of tosh!

Israel does have a nuclear arsenal bigger than India or Pakistan.

Mordeci vernunu was locked up and declared a traitor for revealing that Israel had nuclear weapons.


Vanunu was locked up for declaring that Israel was developing the process of making Nuclear bombs, and not that Israel had made them. He took secret photo's of processing at the Dimona site where he was working. Israel have not tested any to my knowledge and the whole thing could just be a big bluff, hence their worry about Iran making them.


To make sure you have made a viable bomb one needs to be tested first. The ones that N.Korea have tried to make have failed to create any nuclear detonation.


As I've said before, how many do you need to have a deterrent?

Edited by apelike
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Vanunu was locked up for declaring that Israel was developing the process of making Nuclear bombs, and not that Israel had made them. He took secret photo's of processing at the Dimona site where he was working. Israel have not tested any to my knowledge and the whole thing could just be a big bluff, hence their worry about Iran making them.


To make sure you have made a viable bomb one needs to be tested first. The ones that N.Korea have tried to make have failed to create any nuclear detonation.


As I've said before, how many do you need to have a deterrent?


It was thought that that Israel/South Africa tested a small nuclear device in the South Atlantic, but this has never been confirmed.

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Vanunu was locked up for declaring that Israel was developing the process of making Nuclear bombs, and not that Israel had made them. He took secret photo's of processing at the Dimona site where he was working. Israel have not tested any to my knowledge and the whole thing could just be a big bluff, hence their worry about Iran making them.


To make sure you have made a viable bomb one needs to be tested first. The ones that N.Korea have tried to make have failed to create any nuclear detonation.


As I've said before, how many do you need to have a deterrent?


Do you think that in the 29yrs since his revelation Israel still hasn't got nuclear weapons? :hihi::hihi:

They are worried about others going nuclear and having a deterrent against Israels bully boy tactics.

The wipe Israel off the map comment constantly keeps getting mentioned but what about when israel half wipes gaza off the map every couple of years?

Do you think the yanks havnt given any weapons to the israeli govt?

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Do you think that in the 29yrs since his revelation Israel still hasn't got nuclear weapons? :hihi::hihi:

They are worried about others going nuclear and having a deterrent against Israels bully boy tactics.

The wipe Israel off the map comment constantly keeps getting mentioned but what about when israel half wipes gaza off the map every couple of years?

Do you think the yanks havnt given any weapons to the israeli govt?


I think you're over egging the pudding a bit there. Several badly/morally repugnant targeted air strikes would not compare to a nuclear strike on tel Aviv.

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Do you think that in the 29yrs since his revelation Israel still hasn't got nuclear weapons? :hihi::hihi:


Yes its very possible. :hihi::hihi::hihi::P Scare tactics from a developed nation are always taken seriously, why waste money on building them when saying you have them is just as good a deterrent. Again its getting back to the "how many is a deterrent" question. Although it was reported during the Iraq war that unless the USA sorted things out they were prepared to use one, but note the word "prepared."


Do you think the yanks havnt given any weapons to the israeli govt?


The "Yanks" as you put it have funded the supply and deployment of weapons but that is to do with conventional weapons and not Nukes. During the Iraq war they supplied Patriot missiles which were inaccurate and failed in many cases.


If you take the time to read about what Vanunu did then you would also know he implicated Israel in the assassination of Kennedy because of his questions of the Dimona site and Israel's nuke capability.

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