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Iran,US talks on Atomic Issues

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Wrong on just about every count on Israel. These so called Zionist conspiracies are nothing more than rehashing the tired olld clap trap that Hitler ranted on about in Mein Kampf.


It's normal that American-Jews would feel some identity and concerns about the Jewish homeland just as other immigrants groups and their descendents are similarly concerned about theirs. Iraqi and Syrian Americans for example.

Many Iranians I've come across here are dead against the current regime in Iran. Some would like to go back to live if ever the current regime disappears and secularism and democracy happen.


America has always had it's religious oddities but their beliefs count for nothing in the real world. They get attention from the media because the media likes to draw attention to such people maybe for a covert laugh or two at their expense.


There have been two attempts to destroy Israel in the last fifty years. Why should the space of time that has elapsed since then reassure them in any way that the same might not be attempted again


Nukes are the country's ace in the hole, the last resort to be used if ever the country was overrun and the population being driven into the sea. Any other country would do the same[/QUOTE]


My bold=

Undeclared and uninspected by the IAEA nukes, Israel's Nuclear arsenal has not being officially declared yet they and other including yourself go on about Iran trying to get a nuclear bomb!

The word hypocrites springs to mind....


With you it's naive and uninformed. Israel hasnt threatened to wipe Iran off the map. On the other hand belicose statements by extreme islamist rulers need to be taken seriously.


Would it be a great day for you if Iran announced that it does have the bomb? Iranian flag flying from your chimney?

"Ooh look now my country is a nuclear power... how wonderful" :hihi:


You'd do better to see democracy and the disappearance of religious nuts occur instead of getting all bent out of shape because a troublemaker like Iran is getting stick for developing a nuke.

Edited by Harleyman
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With you it's naive and uninformed. Israel hasnt threatened to wipe Iran off the map. On the other hand belicose statements by extreme islamist rulers need to be taken seriously.


Would it be a great day for you if Iran announced that it does have the bomb? Iranian flag flying from your chimney?

"Ooh look now my country is a nuclear power... how wonderful" :hihi:


You'd do better to see democracy and the disappearance of religious nuts occur instead of getting all bent out of shape because a troublemaker like Iran is getting stick for developing a nuke.


I'm actually of Pakistani origin and a Sunni Muslim, Iran is a Shia Muslim country so not really my country but I don't agree with the double standards I see.

Edited by mafya
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Wrong on just about every count on Israel. These so called Zionist conspiracies are nothing more than rehashing the tired olld clap trap that Hitler ranted on about in Mein Kampf.


It's normal that American-Jews would feel some identity and concerns about the Jewish homeland just as other immigrants groups and their descendents are similarly concerned about theirs. Iraqi and Syrian Americans for example.

Many Iranians I've come across here are dead against the current regime in Iran. Some would like to go back to live if ever the current regime disappears and secularism and democracy happen.


America has always had it's religious oddities but their beliefs count for nothing in the real world. They get attention from the media because the media likes to draw attention to such people maybe for a covert laugh or two at their expense.


There have been two attempts to destroy Israel in the last fifty years. Why should the space of time that has elapsed since then reassure them in any way that the same might not be attempted again


Nukes are the country's ace in the hole, the last resort to be used if ever the country was overrun and the population being driven into the sea. Any other country would do the same


Well i guess democracy the winner here :) Americans don't want another useless war killing millions....


Americans back Iran deal by 2-to-1 margin


American people as a whole support a deal with Iran by 64%–30%, according to a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll. Many American Jews who take the Iran threat seriously but fear the profound consequences of a military strike undoubtedly find themselves within the ranks of that majority supporting a diplomatic outcome, agreeing with the president’s approach on this important issue rather than with Netanyahu’s.



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I'm actually of Pakistani origin and a Sunni Muslim, Iran is a Shia Muslim country so not really my country but I don't agree with the double standards I see.




Do you agree that the present sectarian warfare between Shia and Sunni Muslims in Iraq has been largely caused by the meddling and trouble making Iran which is Shia?


This has caused thousands of deaths and injuries in Iraq. Iran may not have a record of starting or participating in wars in the conventional sense but aside from it's covert activities in Iraq it is also a supporter of Hezbollah using it in a proxy war against Israel

Edited by Harleyman
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Are you saying Iranian maps omit Israel and if so what do they class the Israel as?

Yes, I am. Iran not merely omits Israel from maps (treating its extent as part of Jordan) but is sworn to eliminate its existence in toto.

Here's another example of such an "error": http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/8029156.stm

Edited by Jeffrey Shaw
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Well i guess democracy the winner here :) Americans don't want another useless war killing millions....


Americans back Iran deal by 2-to-1 margin


American people as a whole support a deal with Iran by 64%–30%, according to a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll. Many American Jews who take the Iran threat seriously but fear the profound consequences of a military strike undoubtedly find themselves within the ranks of that majority supporting a diplomatic outcome, agreeing with the president’s approach on this important issue rather than with Netanyahu’s.




A genuine deal with Iran would be great just so long it's not a dog and pony show and Iran pulling the old smoke and mirrors game

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I think Iran should tell the Americans get rids of yours,we will get rid of ours.After all it only the Americans that have stooped to using nuclear on other countrys.


I think they were rather exceptional circumstances. So your argument if ut can be called that is rather feeble.


Iran could just withdraw from the NPT then do what it wants and develop as many weapons as they want. Who cares about sanctions?

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