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How many of you get a 2nd postal delivery?


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Originally posted by Sam Miguel

I thought second deliveries had been abolished as I never get one.


We don't always get a first, much less a second delivery.... I've had stuff ordered off the net etc go "walkies" in the post at least twice in the past.


I once "won" an Ebay auction, forget what it was for, sent a cheque and everything, and the sodding thing got "lost" in the post, good job it was only worth a tenner :mad:

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Originally posted by Mo

That seems very inefficient to me.


It's the same as I wrote before. Someone has to be at the beginning of the route and someone at the end. Perhaps I exaggerated but Billy, we'll call our postman Billy, would finish on our road, go back to the sorting office (having had his morning cup of tea at my neighbour's house - see previous post) pick up his second delivery and then start on our road.


There are no PO rules about where you start the delivery so most postmen start and end their routes to suit themselves. Not much point starting near your own house and then ending up 2 miles away, better to start 2 miles away and end near your own house.

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As for the part about postman getting paid by the hour - that's true but soon RM are bringing in a scheme so that if you as a group keep overtime below a certain limit then the group gets a bonus. So it's either gonna lead to people doing their rounds slightly quicker (I get round as quick as I can anyway) or people putting less hours in to HR so that they don't get the wrath of the rest of their group for claiming too much overtime and thus getting that weeks bonus cancelled.

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Originally posted by Rich

We don't always get a first, much less a second delivery.... I've had stuff ordered off the net etc go "walkies" in the post at least twice in the past.


I once "won" an Ebay auction, forget what it was for, sent a cheque and everything, and the sodding thing got "lost" in the post, good job it was only worth a tenner :mad:


1. Mistakes happen, we're only human after all.

2. If it's worth anything it should be sent Special Delivery.

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Originally posted by fnkysknky

1. Mistakes happen, we're only human after all.

2. If it's worth anything it should be sent Special Delivery.


Mistakes happen?! Meh, once I'd say fair enough, but TWICE?! Come on, there's GOT to be something not right there.

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