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All Clear !!Great News!

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I,ve reached the age when health issues start to be a little bit on my mind,I,ve been very lucky so far at the side of some of my close friends alive and sadly some not!.I received the bowel screening kit as is usual at my age,used it and returned the same,it showed abnormal so I did another which was ok I then did a third one,abnormal again!.Next I was called in for a colonoscopy which I was looking forward to like a hole in the head,you have a strict diet for 5 days before the procedure,on the day before you have to drink 4 litres of preprep laxative over 5 hrs with a 1hr break in the middle for your anus to reject your body{that's what it felt like}also nothing to eat from 1pm.At the procedure start they make you as comfy as possible then up your bum goes the camera which you can watch on the monitor as it travels up your bowel!.So far so good until it reached the bends,oh by the way at the same time they inflate your bowel with air,it was not painful just uncomfortable!.All went well until the top corner when it wouldn,t go round due to a possible hernia,thats when it turned into a scene from Carry On Doctor,the lady pushed harder,turned me on my back told the nurse to put her body weight on my stomach.So then I was hurting inside and outside I was sucking gas and air holding up my finger because the monitor kept falling off,next thing she asked the male doctor to have a go because she couldn,t push hard enough!.I was moaning from the discomfort anyhow they gave up music to my ears,afterwards I was full of painful wind which I got rid of with several visits to the loo when I nearly blew the doors off.A week later I had a body scan for the missed area and today Monday I received the all clear!.Don,t be put off by my thread 99 times out of a 100 its straight forward its just me and my unusual body that caused the problems,I wish my father had the same chance back in the 70s he didn,t and it killed him!

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I,ve reached the age when health issues start to be a little bit on my mind,I,ve been very lucky so far at the side of some of my close friends alive and sadly some not!.I received the bowel screening kit as is usual at my age,used it and returned the same,it showed abnormal so I did another which was ok I then did a third one,abnormal again!.Next I was called in for a colonoscopy which I was looking forward to like a hole in the head,you have a strict diet for 5 days before the procedure,on the day before you have to drink 4 litres of preprep laxative over 5 hrs with a 1hr break in the middle for your anus to reject your body{that's what it felt like}also nothing to eat from 1pm.At the procedure start they make you as comfy as possible then up your bum goes the camera which you can watch on the monitor as it travels up your bowel!.So far so good until it reached the bends,oh by the way at the same time they inflate your bowel with air,it was not painful just uncomfortable!.All went well until the top corner when it wouldn,t go round due to a possible hernia,thats when it turned into a scene from Carry On Doctor,the lady pushed harder,turned me on my back told the nurse to put her body weight on my stomach.So then I was hurting inside and outside I was sucking gas and air holding up my finger because the monitor kept falling off,next thing she asked the male doctor to have a go because she couldn,t push hard enough!.I was moaning from the discomfort anyhow they gave up music to my ears,afterwards I was full of painful wind which I got rid of with several visits to the loo when I nearly blew the doors off.
:hihi::hihi::hihi: Forgive old tup, but that's the funniest thing I've ever read.


A week later I had a body scan for the missed area and today Monday I received the all clear!


..and that's the best news you could ever receive :thumbsup:

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I'd agree that was hilarious. I can just see it in true Carry-on style.


It's good of course as well that you have the all clear - I can imagine it weighing heavily on your mind, although less so on your backside if you have to drink that much laxative. I once had the joys of a barium meal which is entirely the other experience - it's like being asked to drink a litre of wet concrete.... :(

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I,ve reached the age when health issues start to be a little bit on my mind,I,ve been very lucky so far at the side of some of my close friends alive and sadly some not!.I received the bowel screening kit as is usual at my age,used it and returned the same,it showed abnormal so I did another which was ok I then did a third one,abnormal again!.Next I was called in for a colonoscopy which I was looking forward to like a hole in the head,you have a strict diet for 5 days before the procedure,on the day before you have to drink 4 litres of preprep laxative over 5 hrs with a 1hr break in the middle for your anus to reject your body{that's what it felt like}also nothing to eat from 1pm.At the procedure start they make you as comfy as possible then up your bum goes the camera which you can watch on the monitor as it travels up your bowel!.So far so good until it reached the bends,oh by the way at the same time they inflate your bowel with air,it was not painful just uncomfortable!.All went well until the top corner when it wouldn,t go round due to a possible hernia,thats when it turned into a scene from Carry On Doctor,the lady pushed harder,turned me on my back told the nurse to put her body weight on my stomach.So then I was hurting inside and outside I was sucking gas and air holding up my finger because the monitor kept falling off,next thing she asked the male doctor to have a go because she couldn,t push hard enough!.I was moaning from the discomfort anyhow they gave up music to my ears,afterwards I was full of painful wind which I got rid of with several visits to the loo when I nearly blew the doors off.A week later I had a body scan for the missed area and today Monday I received the all clear!.Don,t be put off by my thread 99 times out of a 100 its straight forward its just me and my unusual body that caused the problems,I wish my father had the same chance back in the 70s he didn,t and it killed him!


Old Tup glad you got the all clear, I had 2 in June 2011, when I had the 1st one & the camera went in I said to the bloke, this is not a lie "are you telling me people do this for fun"?


I also had a gastroscopy before it, and this caused internal bleeding and I spent 10 days in hospital (so I was top & tailed). As a result of the bleeding I had to have another endoscopy and bleeds were stapled & cortorised, I hate the tube down my throat more than anything.:(

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