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All Clear !!Great News!

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Hi folks.

I'm back to report.....as promised.


I had my operation as scheduled on November 19th. Luckily my terror was short lived as I was soon out of it for the following almost 5 hours. I ended up having both keyhole surgery and open surgery.

Of course it was a bit hard going trying to recover in a hospital environment but I've got nothing but praise for the wonderful staff that looked after me.

Come the following Saturday evening I was told I could go home if I wished......so I did. I was in my night clothes because hubby wasn't expecting to take me home so he hadn't bought my clothes with him. I wasn't going to hang around though so off we went. He pushed me in a wheelchair to where he'd brought the car to and shovelled me in and after a painful journey I was so glad to be home and in my comfy armchair.


As the days have gone on I have improved greatly. I haven't taken any painkillers for a couple of days now but to begin with my bowel was a problem which meant I was spending lots of time on the loo. Thankfully that's settled down now and a routine is beginning to develop.


Our lovely district nurses visited for the first few days but they could see how well I was doing........including injecting myself with the anti-blood clotting stuff.....so they didn't need to visit again.

I have to carry on with these injections for another couple of weeks yet. I don't like doing it but in all honesty it isn't really painful and I'm used to doing it now.


Yesterday I had an appointment with my consultant/surgeon. I'm very pleased to say it was all good news.

Yes, I did have colon cancer but my consultant had already told me when he visited me in hospital that he was confident that he had got the lot. He had to take an ovary as well but at my age that's no great loss. lol

Yesterday he told me that he had also removed 37 lymph nodes and every single one of them had tested as clear which is absolutely fantastic news.

He said my cancer wasn't early stage but more like mid stage but it hadn't spread.

He's now discharged me to his nurses who will arrange for me to go back in a years time. This will be for routine blood tests and CT scans just to keep a check on things. I also won't need another colonoscopy for FIVE years which was like music to my ears.


I can't begin to tell you just how relieved I and my family are. Things most definitely would have been different had I ignored the warning signs. I certainly wouldn't have been here writing this in another year or so's time.


I can't impress enough just how important it is to get things checked out if blood is spotted. It really is a life saver and I am testament to that.


I'm heading in the right direction now anyhow. I'm no longer taking pain killers because I can cope without and it's only 2 weeks since major surgery. Ok, it is uncomfortable at times and of course I get tired easily just now but I am getting stronger as each day goes along.


For anybody who might be worrying that they might have problems then I urge you to go and get it checked out. It makes sense doesn't it? :)



Good news. All the best to you and Old Tup !

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