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Shattered Beer Glass

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Sunday 10th November I took my wife out for Lunch, which we intended to wash down with a pint of Carling Black Label Lager - my wife never got to finish hers, she only had a few sips out of it.


As we sat back talking, all of a sudden her pint glass shattered into a thousand pieces sending glass and lager all over the place - fortunately the waiteress had see this happen and came to our aid to clean it up, she didn't seem surprised at this happening !


Two elderly ladies who were sat behind us, told us they had see this happen before at our table and laughingly said the pub had a ghost, we laughed it off.


Anyone ever experienced a pint glass shattering on its own ?

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No, never. But I can tell you a creepy thing that happened to my mum when she was young. She was working in a snooker club and had to bring trays of drinks out to the tables. One night she was bringing a tray out and she felt something swing into her and bang, the tray was smashed out of her hands glasses broke and everything, beer everywhere. Turned out years before some poor sod had hung himself on from the roof beam above that very spot.

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What a load of twaddle.


What's a load of Twaddle.....the post made by I1L2T3 or my post ?


If your pointing the finger at me ( JOHN HABS ) then be assured that every word I've said is a true account.....I've better things to do then make up stories to past away the time.

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Sunday 10th November I took my wife out for Lunch, which we intended to wash down with a pint of Carling Black Label Lager - my wife never got to finish hers, she only had a few sips out of it.


As we sat back talking, all of a sudden her pint glass shattered into a thousand pieces sending glass and lager all over the place - fortunately the waiteress had see this happen and came to our aid to clean it up, she didn't seem surprised at this happening !


Two elderly ladies who were sat behind us, told us they had see this happen before at our table and laughingly said the pub had a ghost, we laughed it off.


Anyone ever experienced a pint glass shattering on its own ?


My kids do almost everyday, and that’s just at my kids lunchtime at school in Scotland. God forbid you ever moved to Scotland. …. Going to the pub is 10 fold.

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The answer is this….. Everything goes through the dish washer , the glass is warm and becomes to hot, it’s a busy night and the glasses are back up front. … then ice or cold liquid is poured in and the change from hot to cold makes the glass split . My daughter runs a bar and explained it to me. This is a bar that serves food and booze.

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The answer is this….. Everything goes through the dish washer , the glass is warm and becomes to hot, it’s a busy night and the glasses are back up front. … then ice or cold liquid is poured in and the change from hot to cold makes the glass split . My daughter runs a bar and explained it to me. This is a bar that serves food and booze.


Wouldn't you expect that to happen almost as soon as the beer was poured into the glass though?

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