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Dysfunctional Families! Are you part of one?

Guest Pauly

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Hmmm, interesting idea DaB and I can totally see where you're coming from. I've obviously no idea how may parents get on when I'm not there and I've been told by my Dad that they don't argue much, but their definition of arguing is a little different to mine. This is probably because they do it so much that they don't even notice the bickering anymore.


They'll never split up cos Mum can't financially support herself and her lifestyle alone, and Dad wouldn't have anyone to cook his tea, do his washing and ironing etc and all the other things that he takes for granted. As I said before, it's a real mess and I'm sure both of them feel trapped in some way. They just get on with it though. Kinda sad really. :(


As soon as I've left again you're probably right that the situation will improve but I'll no doubt get one of them ringing me at some point complaining about the other or about my sister's latest bout of abuse towards Mum.


When I'm away from home I tend to speak to my parents about once a week (if that) and that's enough for me to be honest. I'm alot happier when I'm removed from this volatile atmosphere. Roll on happier times eh. ;)

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Originally posted by BrainThrust

it depends on your defenition of dysfunctional. Where did you get that statistic from Micksheff? it seems to contradict the term dysfunctional.



Its from the book "Healing the Child Within" by Charles L Whitfield, M.D


Protecting Our Parents: A Block to Grieving


1) Outright denial Frequently heard "My childhood was fine."


Its a great read, recommend it to anyone

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