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What to think about this girl?

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She probably thinks you are too immature for her to trust, it's not really cool to discuss your sex life with others or your non-sex life, if you do you may be pressured into revealing it or lying to raise your street-cred.


You need more strength of character.



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She probably thinks you are too immature for her to trust, it's not really cool to discuss your sex life with others or your non-sex life, if you do you may be pressured into revealing it or lying to raise your street-cred.


You need more strength of character.




See the post above yours. I think cgk is correct.

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Personally, if i met someone & she started to bloat it out to everyone personal details of our relationship on the public stage, it wouldn't matter to me if she was a Katy Perry double I still would call it a day & move on.


Good for you;)

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You should never brag how it's going with someone or lie as it will always get back to them, no idea how that happens lol. Also I find asking on here doesn't help incase their on here and work out its you which has also happened to me.


When I were younger I've made A LOT of mistakes with classes and have learnt from them.


I'd say try forget about her and move on as she's obviously not the one

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So everything happen like 4 months ago when we started to talk on facebook for the first time. Then we started to talk more and more after couples weeks she invited me out once to cinema and other time to drink with her. She was treating me very close, and then I done a stupid thing I told everyone I was on it with her. And she found out and I think she knew I told everyone. She told me to never talk to her again. but she didn't mean it as later she was calm. However we don't talk that much again now, and she doesn't start the chat first. And when I try to ask her out or something she says cant be asked or busy. So I was wondering can anyone give me some advice should I fight for her or what??? maybe some advice on what should I do will be helpful


Wrong place for advice mate!

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