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Cameron calls for permanent austerity, delivers speech in opulent surr

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This man has no shame, or he's stupid. IMO probably both



Austerity was all we knew When I was young.Most these days have no idea what it is like.Now we are heading back into it and there is nothing much can be done.Britain is maxed out.People are in for a shock,especially the whingers!but not people of my generation ,we can handle it because we have been there.
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Austerity was all we knew When I was young.Most these days have no idea what it is like.Now we are heading back into it and there is nothing much can be done.Britain is maxed out.People are in for a shock,especially the whingers!but not people of my generation ,we can handle it because we have been there.


Do we want the UK to sink back into Dickensian levels of poverty and inequality?


Because that's what will happen if wages continue to stagnate while prices rise and stable employment becomes a thing of the past.


Should we bring the the workhouses back?


Gruel for breakfast, anyone?

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Do we want the UK to sink back into Dickensian levels of poverty and inequality?


Because that's what will happen if wages continue to stagnate while prices rise and stable employment becomes a thing of the past.


Should we bring the the workhouses back?


Gruel for breakfast, anyone?


I think there needs to be a bit of balance.


We have been living beyond our means on the back of credit and payback time has finally arrived, but there's no reason to think we're heading back to Dickensian levels.


People need to accept that wage expectations and standards of living are likely to fall, but that has to be spread out right across the economy (public and private sector). What I do object too is employees being asked to take 5% pay cuts, so that a company can maintain it's profit margins and the bosses who are already on a good wage get to keep their nice big bonuses.


If the minions are taking a 5% cut, then the bosses need to do the same.





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I think there needs to be a bit of balance.


We have been living beyond our means on the back of credit and payback time has finally arrived, but there's no reason to think we're heading back to Dickensian levels.


People need to accept that wage expectations and standards of living are likely to fall, but that has to be spread out right across the economy (public and private sector). What I do object too is employees being asked to take 5% pay cuts, so that a company can maintain it's profit margins and the bosses who are already on a good wage get to keep their nice big bonuses.


If the minions are taking a 5% cut, then the bosses need to do the same.






I read in yesterday's Metro about a company, it may have been BAE, who were sacking workers even though profits and orders were up

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What an ass! Preaching about austerity when his wife was moaning saying she didn't know how they would manage on the low PM's salary when he got elected. We have our very own Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette! What does this couple know about austerity?!!! They take from your pockets and steal your healthcare and pensions from right under your nose whilst they sip finest wines and champagnes that cost more than you get in a week from crystal and goblets PROVIDED FOR WITH YOUR MONEY!!! The only consolation we are thrown are that 'We are all in this together'.

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I think there needs to be a bit of balance.


We have been living beyond our means on the back of credit and payback time has finally arrived, but there's no reason to think we're heading back to Dickensian levels.


People need to accept that wage expectations and standards of living are likely to fall, but that has to be spread out right across the economy (public and private sector). What I do object too is employees being asked to take 5% pay cuts, so that a company can maintain it's profit margins and the bosses who are already on a good wage get to keep their nice big bonuses.


If the minions are taking a 5% cut, then the bosses need to do the same.






How about the MP's leading from the front? 5% decrease in their already OTT salary and get rid of the expenses

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How about the MP's leading from the front? 5% decrease in their already OTT salary and get rid of the expenses


I wouldn't say their salaries are over the top for the job they do, but I certainly don't think they should be taking larger than inflation pay rises when many of their constituents are having to take pay freezes or cuts.






---------- Post added 13-11-2013 at 09:07 ----------


I read in yesterday's Metro about a company, it may have been BAE, who were sacking workers even though profits and orders were up


Without knowing all the circumstances it's difficult to comment, but if it is purely all about increasing profits to keep shareholders and directors happy then it does leave a bitter taste.


I'm very much the capitalist, but I do also think that businesses need to consider the long term impact of their decisions and the impact on their local community/country where they operate.


If people don't have jobs they can't spend and if they can't spend then they won't be able to purchase the products the company who laid them off is manufacturing.....and so the spiral goes on.


Don't get me started on companies relocating call centres abroad because of the cheap labour...





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