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Cameron calls for permanent austerity, delivers speech in opulent surr

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complaining about the surroundings is just reverse snobbery and envy. What do you expect, he announces his plans at a housing estate in Dagenham?


Oh, so that's the greatest challenge the country faces?


Thank goodness for that.


I ws more concerned about the content of Cameron's speech: PERMANENT AUSTERITY.


I realise now I shouldn't have worried at all.



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Oh, so that's the greatest challenge the country faces?


Thank goodness for that.


I ws more concerned about the content of Cameron's speech: PERMANENT AUSTERITY.


I realise now I shouldn't have worried at all.




Well as the title of this thread is about the "opulent surroundings" and the content of the link also has a hangup on this subject, I think I'm free to reply to the comments made.


But on the subject of austerity, nothing is permanent. We don't have a dictatorship. If people are not happy with it, then just vote them out.

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The context provided for the delivery is completely wrong, indeed. What were his PR handlers thinking? :rolleyes:


Though that linked article seems a bit of a p***take, tbh.


I mean, red-circling and then itemising "gold things", when Cameron was attending the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City of London, where such regalia is completely routine, as traditional?


Making a point of itemising:

  • "A huge gold throne" (the Townhall's period chair :rolleyes:)
  • "A huge necklace on the lady sitting on the throne" (the Mayoress's office pendant :rolleyes:)
  • "A gold speech stand" (most probably brass, and period :rolleyes:)
  • "Several expensive looking glasses and chalices filled with wine" (a couple of wine glasses :rolleyes:)
  • "Tuxes with white ties" (oh FFS, this is getting beyond a laugh! :rolleyes:)



Who wrote this, a frothing-at-the-mouth communist? Now, they weren't exactly adverse to enjoying the Romanov's regalia themselves...

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How about the MP's leading from the front? 5% decrease in their already OTT salary and get rid of the expenses


But they claim they need the expenses to top up their wages. Reduce the expenses and they'd want a pay rise. Remember it's hard in these times of ever increasing fuel bills and utility costs to adequately heat your stables.

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Do we want the UK to sink back into Dickensian levels of poverty and inequality?


Because that's what will happen if wages continue to stagnate while prices rise and stable employment becomes a thing of the past.


Should we bring the the workhouses back?


Gruel for breakfast, anyone?


You sound like a guy who has a plan on what they (they being all 3 main parties) should be doing instead of austerity measures.


Tell all my friend!!!

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How about the MP's leading from the front? 5% decrease in their already OTT salary and get rid of the expenses


OK.. would you take a job where you spend most of the week away from your home and have to pay your "away" accommodation out of your salary? I wouldn't....

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You sound like a guy who has a plan on what they (they being all 3 main parties) should be doing instead of austerity measures.


Tell all my friend!!!


We can stop wasting billions on Trident.


We can start taxing large corporations again.


We can prevent billions being wasted on outsourcing companies such as G4S who are not fit for purpose.


We can tighten up our borders and the stop hundreds of thousands of unskilled immigrants coming in that slowly bleed the country.


We can bring our troops back from overseas and let the USA fight their own wars.


There's five.


Can you think of one?

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I read in yesterday's Metro about a company, it may have been BAE, who were sacking workers even though profits and orders were up


Don't companies tailor the workforce to the amount of work required to be done rather than whether they are making more or less profit. I'm not sure that the same applies in the public sector.

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