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Cameron calls for permanent austerity, delivers speech in opulent surr

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We can stop wasting billions on Trident.


We can start taxing large corporations again.


We can prevent billions being wasted on outsourcing companies such as G4S who are not fit for purpose.


We can tighten up our borders and the stop hundreds of thousands of unskilled immigrants coming in that slowly bleed the country.


We can bring our troops back from overseas and let the USA fight their own wars.


There's five.


Can you think of one?


Trident is a thread on its own. Ill give you half a point ;)


We do, in corporation tax alone £34bn.


Good luck getting our home bred feckless to pick turnips and do the hotel jobs Johnny Foreigner is doing en mass at the moment.


How G4S survives is a mystery to me. That said, do you really think if all their services went back under state control it would be cheaper? That I doubt.


Troops will be home from all their sand based shenanigans by this time next year. Ergo we won't need as many so presumably your happy with massive troop cuts and Portsmouth ship yard closing down?


Ill add one that is an easy throw idea that requires fairly little thought. Pull out of the EU.


Better minds than mine will pick my idea and your apart - but the bigger question is if its all that easy, why don't they do one of them, let alone all 5?

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Good luck getting our home bred feckless to pick turnips and do the hotel jobs Johnny Foreigner is doing en mass at the moment.


goes hand in hand with this:


Pull out of the EU.



And this only exists thanks to the bribes donations the likes of Crapita Capita make to whichever political party is in charge:


How G4S survives is a mystery to me. That said, do you really think if all their services went back under state control it would be cheaper? That I doubt.



As for this, as much as I wouldn't want anybody to lose their jobs, what's the alternative? Send them all out to die in the deserts of the Middle East? Again?

Troops will be home from all their sand based shenanigans by this time next year. Ergo we won't need as many so presumably your happy with massive troop cuts and Portsmouth ship yard closing down?
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Isn't trying to send Johnny Foreigner home and pulling out of the EU a bit UKIPy and thus right wing?


Sort of.


All parties have threatened to send Johnny Foreigner home at one point though, haven't they? Of course, they never do when they get into power...


And while I am interested in pulling out of the EU, I think Nigel Farage is a political lightweight and not the right person to represent the UK on the world stage :)

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All parties have threatened to send Johnny Foreigner home at one point though, haven't they? Of course, they never do when they get into power...


And while I am interested in pulling out of the EU, I think Nigel Farage is a political lightweight and not the right person to represent the UK on the world stage :)

.............and Milliband is??????
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All parties have threatened to send Johnny Foreigner home at one point though, haven't they? Of course, they never do when they get into power...


And while I am interested in pulling out of the EU, I think Nigel Farage is a political lightweight and not the right person to represent the UK on the world stage :)


Hes an entertainer and a good one. I like UKIP but i dont think Nigel is the one to lead them to power.

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Austerity was all we knew When I was young.Most these days have no idea what it is like.Now we are heading back into it and there is nothing much can be done.Britain is maxed out.People are in for a shock,especially the whingers!but not people of my generation ,we can handle it because we have been there.


thing is there won't be no austerity for the MPs, and wealthy

were all in it together :roll:

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OK.. would you take a job where you spend most of the week away from your home and have to pay your "away" accommodation out of your salary? I wouldn't....


Cant be that bad bearing in mind how many try to get it. Would be an interesting experiment to see if the applications fall with the wages


Pity there is no guts to try it :(


Also on a point of question, if you regularly spend more than 50 % of your time in a particular region, shouldnt THAT be your home?

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