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Cameron calls for permanent austerity, delivers speech in opulent surr

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Looks like there are more speaches to come


GEORGE Osborne is to announce multi-billion pound service cuts with more than 16,000 white diamonds glued to his body.


The chancellor is upping his game in response to the Prime Minister’s declaration of permanent austerity amid the gilded splendour of the lord mayor’s banquet.


Osborne said: “It’s all about the cognitive dissonance with this administration, ie claiming privatising Royal Mail will make it more efficient while the privatised energy companies run insanely out of control.


“Or Iain Duncan Smith saying it’s your own fault if you’re not in work while being the single most incompetent person in the country.”


Osborne concedes that what began as a private joke is running out of control as Cabinet members seek to outdo each other.


He said: “Next week alone, the Justice Secretary’s going to announce our ‘war on drugs’ partnership with the Juarez Cartel.


“And on Friday, Jeremy Hunt’s declaring the NHS is better than ever just as he’s replaced the flu jab with weaponised smallpox.”


“At the climax of my speech, I unveil a crackdown on MPs expenses then press a button and confetti cannons fire clouds of £20 notes into the House.”


“Then, as money showers down around me, I solemnly put on an ornate gold pig mask and declare ‘After all, we are the public’s humble servants.’”





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First of all, the title of this thread is "Cameron calls for permanent austerity...." That is incorrect as highlighted in a transcript from the actual speech.


Second, I think the whole argument about taxation has been resolved after you and Mecky refused to back up the claims that personal taxes had risen. The actual truth is taxes have fallen under the current government.


Yeah I'm describing to you what it probably means. The same taxes paid to the same government for distribution to private companies to deliver lower levels of service at lower levels of quality.


As for the other thread I didn't actually get into the argument about who was right, just defended Mecky's right not to have strangers like yourself demanding his/her financial details over the internet.

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The original story looks like something from The Daily Mash. No need for parodies when they do stuff like this.


Yes it most probably intended to be humorous. Well done :)


---------- Post added 13-11-2013 at 14:58 ----------


I think the original story is written by an American who has no idea what the LM's banquet is basically...


It has been covered elsewhere too.


---------- Post added 13-11-2013 at 15:03 ----------


Because Communists (Leninists?) have historically been most vociferous about exterior signs of wealth, i.e. all that glitters which is oh-so bourgeois...


...didn't really stop them from moving into the Über-gilded Kremlin post-haste in 1917, though :D

No, of course.


But you have to be either particularly ignorant, or grasping at political straws, to dress the conventional trappings of the Mayoral function and inconsequential bits-and-bobs to be found in any banqueting venue throughout the land, as signs of portrayed personal wealth :rolleyes:


You've made your political point about the context of the delivery (and with which I agree), but I have you down as very much smarter than buying into the infantile rethoric of that article, I1L2T3.


I'm not buying into the rhetoric of the article as it happens. And I'm not making a political point either. I don't think the article was entirely serious anyway but viewed from outside the UK it doesn't look good does it?


I'm making an an observation about the appropriateness of the venue to deliver that message. Why would the City be interested in that message? And what are the implications?

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Yeah I'm describing to you what it probably means. The same taxes paid to the same government for distribution to private companies to deliver lower levels of service at lower levels of quality.


The thing is, we cant afford to pay for all these services from the public purse, this is why we are so much in debt and the reason why there has to be austerity. Not permanent austerity which is what this thread is claiming, but we need to balance the books.


As for the other thread I didn't actually get into the argument about who was right, just defended Mecky's right not to have strangers like yourself demanding his/her financial details over the internet.


You said yours (tax) had gone up and defended Mecky's right to not answer questions who also claimed the same situation effected him.


I gave you the opportunity to answer hypothetical questions that would have given answers to the questions raised without Mecky having to divulge personal financial information and you failed to respond.

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It has been covered elsewhere too.



With the same inference?


---------- Post added 13-11-2013 at 15:11 ----------


And I'm not making a political point either.


From here it looks as though you are....


...This man has no shame, or he's stupid. IMO probably both




And if what you implied earlier about tax and private companies were true wouldn't you think the City would be interested in all the extra business that will be flowing?

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