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Cameron calls for permanent austerity, delivers speech in opulent surr

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Am I considered rich? I have SkyHD+. No multiroom though, in not an aristocrat!
I think I'm definitely rich, by SF's accepted standards :blush:


But I don't have Sky :suspect:

And I'm not making a political point either.
Careful with that elongating nose of yours! You nearly poked me in the eye! :gag:




I'm making an an observation about the appropriateness of the venue to deliver that message.
I agree with it. Maybe not as vehemently as you, but I do.

Why would the City be interested in that message?
"The Gvt is busy balancing its books, and in such manner that you will not be asked to dig into your pockets any deeper". Is IMHO the message, and why the City would be interested in it.

And what are the implications?
More cuts to come (what a surprise :rolleyes:), no re-increasing public expenditure once the books are balanced (pretty typical Tory policy), therefore lower likelihood of increased taxation.
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The thing is, we cant afford to pay for all these services from the public purse, this is why we are so much in debt and the reason why there has to be austerity. Not permanent austerity which is what this thread is claiming, but we need to balance the books.




You said yours (tax) had gone up and defended Mecky's right to not answer questions who also claimed the same situation effected him.


I gave you the opportunity to answer hypothetical questions that would have given answers to the questions raised without Mecky having to divulge personal financial information and you failed to respond.


Because, and you will get this point when it is too late, Cameron's view of a small state does not necessarily encompass the idea of lower taxes. You will most likely pay the same tax with the government as a conduit for funnelling funds to corporate partners in the most profitable ways for them.


The other question is for the other thread where I've just answered it.

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The thing is, we cant afford to pay for all these services from the public purse, this is why we are so much in debt and the reason why there has to be austerity.


So why does the government contract work out to their friends' businesses and pay them from the public purse?

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I think I'm definitely rich, by SF's accepted standards :blush:


But I don't have Sky :suspect:

Careful with that elongating nose of yours! You nearly poked me in the eye! :gag:




I agree with it. Maybe not as vehemently as you, but I do.

"The Gvt is busy balancing its books, and in such manner that you will not be asked to dig into your pockets any deeper". Is IMHO the message, and why the City would be interested in it.

More cuts to come (what a surprise :rolleyes:), no re-increasing public expenditure once the books are balanced (pretty typical Tory policy), therefore lower likelihood of increased taxation.


It's not a political point. I'd expect that given the way things are evolving a Labour PM would have little choice but to do the same thing a couple of years down the line. No PM is going to walk into that arena and tell the City things the City doesn't want to hear. And the point is the corporate sector is now primed for an even bigger slice of HMRC revenue. They expect it and it will happen.


---------- Post added 13-11-2013 at 16:34 ----------


So why does the government contract work out to their friends' businesses and pay them from the public purse?


Exactly the point Mecky. We still pay the tax, it just gets allocated differently. And the way it gets allocated is less beneficial to us.


Does anybody ever pause to think that part of the reason the government spends too much is partly because it's already shoring up years of failed privatisations.

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So why does the government contract work out to their friends' businesses and pay them from the public purse?


I have no problem with MP's friends taking government contracts and delivering services as long as they are value for money.


If you want examples of MP's friends getting government contracts, look no further than the Scottish Parliament construction. Bovis built it and they are well known friends of high ranking Labour MP's.


How much did this project go over? Was it double the original tender?

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I view austerity as a ladder with lots of people on it. The bottom of the ladder is in a river with 10 hungry Crocodiles.


When you say "one step down everyone" The person at the top of the ladder is not too worried, he takes one step down. The person at the bottom of the ladder knows if he takes one step down he will end up in the water with the Crocodiles and so is frightend.


The person at the middle of the ladder is a littel worried, but knows that one step down means he will still survive.


OK, so the person at the bottom of the ladder is now dead as he took a step down and got eaten by the Crocs.


Two months later, the man at the tops shouts "OK everyone, one step down", now the bloke in the middle who wasn't worried in the first place is now one step closer to the hungry crocs in the water, the bloke at the top still isn't worried.


6 weeks later "TAKE A STEP DOWN EVERYONE", now the bloke in the middle is now at the bottom and he now has a choice, do as he is told in which case he is going to be eaten by the crocs or plead for his life.


The man at the top says "here is a gun, shoot all the crocodiles that will save you". The man takes the gun, points the gun at the Crocodiles and thinks "Hang on, its not the fault of the Crocodiles", so he points the gun upwards and shoots the man at the top of the ladder


Those on the top rung never move down though, and they get richer and richer, as they breed the crocodiles to make themselves more money.

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How odd that 13 hours before this was written, I brought up this exact subject, and posted it.


And what is strange no one on this post actually understands what is going on, some hint at it, but not get it.


I have been telling everyone what they will start to experience, and this is not a temporary feature for over a couple of years. Like student loans being introduced as a top us it was a ruse, as this is.


No-one gets it, it reminds me of the Jews in Germany, when they came and took a neighbour down the street, and I did nothing, until of course no one was left and they came for you.


If you lack a few million your life has already finished, you pension was plundered by the banks selling them wonderful fraudulent products as investments, like they did to Greece, Spain, Portugal, and the rest. At the moment like all pyramid schemes one robs those paying in to pay off them that want their pensions, but a tipping point is inevitable.


Jobs, well the minimum wage is not the bottom as benefit people, them that are just sacked, you know scroungers, will work for their money, so below minimum wage. This is just the beginning, dos anyone realise that the biggest privitisation of the NHS is underway, where care in community will never work. While for instance accident and emergency are overwhelmed, now medics will drive here and there taking tons more time to do everything, dealing with less people, all on lower budgets. How many people can a doctor see in an hour in hospital. and how many people can a doctor driving to various home see in an hour? No one can see the bleeding obvious, the propaganda lies blinds people to the actual reality.


Education will thanks to computers eventually be done at home, so sacking teachers ans selling off schools and playing fields are obviously a way to capitalise on education. The sacked teachers become more scroungers.


Everything that everyone has taken for granted is being privitised, its done slowly as not to alarm, but like building settlement in Palestine its done carefully bit by bit till there is no Palestinian problem...why? Because they don’t live there anymore. They were bulldozed out.


Just watch the rise in the death rate of the elderly, in the next few years watch the way in which no one is to blame its always the system. No one is held to account anywhere, except scapegoats, them that give care in 3 minutes, because of the pressures and threats by managers. Bullying is the hierarchical game, and where are you in this production line?


The biggest joke is that the police are paid to smash the heads of the same people they grew up with. So the police smash heads because they are paid to do it and if they don't they are out of a job. Who will not smash heads if one has kids to feed, and house, debts to pay, its a crap job but better in work than out.


Its a game, and we are the pawns, and we are not wanted, we have no voice, except chatting on this medium, which is a form of deafness anyway, the deaf signalling to each other.


Unions joined people together in a cause, and that is why they were smashed up. That is why they had to be blamed for all the trouble, so we could be treated as individuals, and individuals are weak against the state machine. We have no say in anything important. If putting a cross on a bit of paper is your idea of making a statement, choosing one’s future, then I prefer to wipe my arse every day with the ballot papers as at least they are more useful like that, in my insignificant life that is. It is an insult to being asked to vote these days, for people who have never done a days work, understand nothing about how anything works, surrounded by self interested advisors, using their position as a parliamentarian as a stepping stone to corporate directorships. IS that the new democracy?

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How many delivered a speech about cuts there? Does it really take you 3 pages of explanation to understand a simple short news article? Are you Mr Cameron?


So every Prime Minister's speech at the LM's banquet has been full of only good news..? Are you saying you'd just prefer to bury your head in the sand and hear happy clappy touchy feely speeches ....? If I were Cameron I'd just gather up all my cash and get out of Dodge... :)

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