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Individuals are helpless, against corporate greed.

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Unrestricted capitalism is bad.

Overly restricted capitalism is also bad.


Everyone with a modicum of common sense knows this, we don't need constant dire warnings about it.


But the government are constantly dropping legislation and safeguards so we have the same 'light touch' regulation that allowed the banks to get so out of control. How do you think the corporate world has got so powerful?

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But the government are constantly dropping legislation and safeguards so we have the same 'light touch' regulation that allowed the banks to get so out of control. How do you think the corporate world has got so powerful?


Would you say the "corporate world" is more or less powerful than it was, say, 100 years ago?

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Much more. And government colludes with it. That is what globalisation is all about.


So the fact that 100 years ago industry could do what it wanted where it wanted, whereas today they have to apply to Government to get permits / permission for the things that haven't been outlawed is "less powerful" in your opinion?


And that's before you look back even further to things like child labour, slave labour, and to the various companies who went around the world invading on our behalf so they could commercialise the local resources.

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So the fact that 100 years ago industry could do what it wanted where it wanted, whereas today they have to apply to Government to get permits / permission for the things that haven't been outlawed is "less powerful" in your opinion?


And that's before you look back even further to things like child labour, slave labour, and to the various companies who went around the world invading on our behalf so they could commercialise the local resources.


100 years ago British workers were used (often badly, which lead to the rise of the Unions,) now these companies are so big they can employ whoever is cheapest wherever they are.

We also used to have a monopolies and mergers commision to ensure that one company couldn't take over all the rest thus ensuring competition. Now they simply take over smaller companies to wipe out competition. When they get big enough no one stands a chance of challenging them.

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100 years ago British workers were used (often badly, which lead to the rise of the Unions,) now these companies are so big they can employ whoever is cheapest wherever they are.

We also used to have a monopolies and mergers commision to ensure that one company couldn't take over all the rest thus ensuring competition. Now they simply take over smaller companies to wipe out competition. When they get big enough no one stands a chance of challenging them.


"They" are still governed by the same competition laws; nothing's changed.


Re the OP. That comes a very close second behind Ghozer's wipe out debt post for being the biggest load of rubbish I've ever read on here. It actually makes no sense whatsoever, either from an English language or underlying message standpoint. I just spent 5 minutes reading it - 5 minutes I'll never get back.

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