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Typhoon or Children in Need?

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It's that time of year again where everyone who can, digs into their pockets ... Children in Need.


At the same time there's the mass devastation in the Philippenes in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan. A death toll of over 10,000 (and sure to rise) and 650,000 people displaced or homeless.


Under the circumstances, do you think it would be a good idea for the Children in Need charity to donate some, or if not all of the money they raise this year to help aid in the Philippenes? If not, how should people donate, bearing in mind that many who want to have limited funds?


The government (ours) has said they'll very kindly match our aid pound for pound to the Typhoon disaster fund ... up to 5 million pounds. This is peanuts.

Personally, I think the typhoon victims (many who are children) take priority, but it's a difficult decision.


I'm not writing this to cause argument and don't want any trolling ... where should our money go? Do we just split our donations 50/50?

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It's that time of year again where everyone who can, digs into their pockets ... Children in Need.


At the same time there's the mass devastation in the Philippenes in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan. A death toll of over 10,000 (and sure to rise) and 650,000 people displaced or homeless.


Under the circumstances, do you think it would be a good idea for the Children in Need charity to donate some, or if not all of the money they raise this year to help aid in the Philippenes? If not, how should people donate, bearing in mind that many who want to have limited funds?


The government (ours) has said they'll very kindly match our aid pound for pound to the Typhoon disaster fund ... up to 5 million pounds. This is peanuts.

Personally, I think the typhoon victims (many who are children) take priority, but it's a difficult decision.


I'm not writing this to cause argument and don't want any trolling ... where should our money go? Do we just split our donations 50/50?


Typhoon or Children in Need?: If you are asking where would I put my charitable donation now, then obviously Typhoon.


Good idea for Children in Need to donate some or all to Philli? No. It's not a charity for that. If people want to donate some money to UK childrens charities, they can donate to Children in Need. If people want to give money to Philippines they can donate to the Philippines charity advertised on BBC. Or both of course.

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Both at the moment , but as sad as it is we have got to start looking after our

Own people ,we send millions all over the world ,but still have lots of people

In our land who need lots of care from kids,to old people we should come first


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Both at the moment , but as sad as it is we have got to start looking after our

Own people ,we send millions all over the world ,but still have lots of people

In our land who need lots of care from kids,to old people we should come first



Children In Need. Get our own country sorted before helping others


Same as BlueDragon for me.

Sort our own stuff out before we go handing out money to other countries

Perhaps India could send a few mill to help out with the Typhoon. I mean, lets be honest, they can afford it.



There are reports of women giving birth in the street with no water and no food and no healthcare in the Phillipines. I don't think that's happening here.


Yes there are children in need here but every child in this country has clean water.


I'm not trying to cause an argument just put over a different point of view. Humans are humans to me and the devastation in the Phillipines is on a incomprehensible scale.


Yes I agree that India can send a few million to help out with teh Typhoon but equally couldn't the Queen send a few million to help out kids in poverty here? Its all relative isn't it.

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There are reports of women giving birth in the street with no water and no food and no healthcare in the Phillipines. I don't think that's happening here.


And? Is that supposed to make me cry? Go play your guilt trip nonsense somewhere else. :)



Yes there are children in need here but every child in this country has clean water.


Thats a lie.



I'm not trying to cause an argument just put over a different point of view. Humans are humans to me and the devastation in the Phillipines is on a incomprehensible scale.


For someone not trying to cause an argument you are doing a pretty good job. What is your point exactly?



Yes I agree that India can send a few million to help out with teh Typhoon but equally couldn't the Queen send a few million to help out kids in poverty here? Its all relative isn't it.

The Queen has made a personal contribution.


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Actually not all kids here have clean water etc and there are a lot of kids who need help. You only have to look at past events of kids dying after not been looked after etc


Sure. I'm not saying kids here are fine. But I dont think there are any that died of thirst because theres no clean water available for them to drink. It may be that they have been denied access to clean water by the person looking after them, which is a different thing.


I think Children in Need is great and I hope many many people donate to it. But my spare money this month is going to the DEC for the Typhoon. I've been tot he Phillipines and I care as much about those people as I do about people in this country, I don't see why I wouldn't.

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And? Is that supposed to make me cry? Go play your guilt trip nonsense somewhere else. :)


I very much doubt it considering your empathy level



Thats a lie.


Get a sense of proportion. Children in this country have access to clean water. If not you can bet your last dollar it'll be an adult restricting access.



For someone not trying to cause an argument you are doing a pretty good job. What is your point exactly?


Your whole attitude is "argument", take a laxative.



The Queen has made a personal contribution.



Yes, probably with the donation you give to her every year.

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