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Typhoon or Children in Need?

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There are reports of women giving birth in the street with no water and no food and no healthcare in the Phillipines. I don't think that's happening here.


Yes there are children in need here but every child in this country has clean water.


I'm not trying to cause an argument just put over a different point of view. Humans are humans to me and the devastation in the Phillipines is on a incomprehensible scale.


Yes I agree that India can send a few million to help out with teh Typhoon but equally couldn't the Queen send a few million to help out kids in poverty here? Its all relative isn't it.




Completely agree

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Uncharacteristically, I have donated to CIN this year.


Some of the raffle prizes were just irresistible I'm afraid! (and yes, I have donated prizes for the raffle too).


I empathise with the plight of Filipinos. But I already give plenty enough in taxes that get funnelled out as Foreign Aid. No.10 can fly the flag and do the charitable thing there.

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None, because neither will see a penny of it.


Obviously we'd appreciate it if you could substantiate such a scurrilous claim.


I donate to Children in Need btw,as much as i empathise and feel pity for victims of the disaster but my personal donations stays as "close to home" as possible.

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Uncharacteristically, I have donated to CIN this year.


Some of the raffle prizes were just irresistible I'm afraid! (and yes, I have donated prizes for the raffle too).


I empathise with the plight of Filipinos. But I already give plenty enough in taxes that get funnelled out as Foreign Aid. No.10 can fly the flag and do the charitable thing there.


I tend to agree with you Loob.


Just reading the breakdown of donations from other nations off a website called "Time World"


US...$20 Miillion

UK...£16 Million

Japan..10 million

Vatican..4 million

N.Zealand 1.4 million

China's initial donation was shocking! $100,000. But it seems they have upped it to $1.64 million.


It also goes on to say that China's meagre donation is more of a political decision,due to a dispute over a few rocks in the South China Sea.

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