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Blunkett - Influx of Roma migrants could cause riots.

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When Blunkett was Home Secretary you never heard him speak out about the influx of immigration then, so why now? Labour allowed immigration to get so out of control you didn't know who was coming in, or how many. It should have been out in the open on his watch.


Immigration was never out of control under Labour, it was subject to immigration control although movement between some EU member states were relaxed. When Blunkett was Home Secretary immigration was subject to control at least where the BaRC is concerned, which is what this thread is about.


Immigration is here to stay whether legal or not. 95% of lorries entering the UK are not checked for logistical reasons, small boats and small aircraft remain unchecked, I've even heard of people trying to cross the channel on airbeds. Contrary to popular belief, the UK does not have immigrations problems as big as some EU member states.


---------- Post added 01-01-2014 at 08:50 ----------


I've worked all my life, paid my taxes and national insurance, why should these immigrants come over here, taking what we have all paid for over the years.


Ok, they say they can't use the NHS for a while, but you telling me that if one goes to the hospital ill, they are gonna turn them away, don't think so.


Its time to end this immigration lark, we have too many here as it is, why take more, so the unemployment stats can go up, so the NHS can be even more stretched.


I used to be proud to be English, but we ain't England no more, just a dumping ground for the E.U.


You try to move to another country yourself, i've looked into it, and it's not as easy as people coming here, one rule for us and one for the rest.


I agree, people are not going to take it for much longer, and backlash will occur, be it in riots, hate campaigns etc.


Romanians have a reputation, we all know that, and the first time one commits a crime, then they should be sent back, simple, no pussy footing around. Why spend more tax payers money keeping them in prison, expensive legal fees etc???


I am not racist, but i can see what this is doing to our country, one we used to be so proud of, and deep down, so can you all.


I can't think of one good thing to come out of the latest hoard of people coming in, how is it going to help our communities, as someone once said?? It isn't, just going to stretch us even more.


The government don't think of it's people, don't care about what we think, they need to ask us and the vast majority will tell them no more immigration!!!!!!!!!!


UKIP's getting my vote in may, and every may after that


Too many "I"s in that post. Me me me


---------- Post added 01-01-2014 at 08:52 ----------


Wishing not to have an influx of benefit claimants is not a "right-wing" viewpoint; it's a level-headed economic necessity. And I doubt that Mr Blunkett would welcome you calling him "right-wing" too!


What is it then? So you want to see people enter the UK and turn to crime to support themselves if they can't find work?

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It took me and my family almost 2 years to gain immigration status to canada... we had to have private medical cover, be able to pass a strict english test ( harder than it sounds..lol ) have sufficient funds to support ourselves, a job contract... and if we did anything illegal whilst there we would be deported straight away.. now isn;t this the way it should be ?? ie. canada dont get people over there that they dont want..

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It took me and my family almost 2 years to gain immigration status to canada... we had to have private medical cover, be able to pass a strict english test ( harder than it sounds..lol ) have sufficient funds to support ourselves, a job contract... and if we did anything illegal whilst there we would be deported straight away.. now isn;t this the way it should be ?? ie. canada dont get people over there that they dont want..


It is the way it should be, but this government are such a push over, with the come over here and we will take care of you, sod the english citizens, they don't matter

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Immigration is not here to stay. We live in a democracy. If the majority of people do not want immigration it will be stopped. We are a small island, already vastly overpopulated. British people should not have to put up with it!


In your dreams. It's been happening for ever and will continue to do so.

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